U.S. Latino News Bites
Hispanic Homeownership
Rate Increases for the
Second Consecutive Year
Media Group Acquires Major Stake in
Leading Latina Online Platforms;
Enters Joint Venture With Exit 7, a
- National homeownership rate
drops for the 12th consecutive year,
with lowest levels in almost 50 years
– Hispanics were the only ethnic
Hispanicize Media Group (HMG) an-
demographic with increase in home- nounced today that it has acquired a
ownership rate -
major stake in several leading Latina
online and social media platforms and
The National Association of Hispanic has also entered into a joint venture to
Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP®) own part of the Hispanic celebrity influ-
has announced for the second year in encer network Exit 7 as part of HMG's
a row, Hispanics were the only eth- acquisition strategy to expand its digital
nic demographic with an increase reach.
to their homeownership rate, which
part of the transaction, LatinaMoms.
surged from 45.6 percent in 2015 to As
com, Popful.com, and Mamiverse.com
46.0 percent in 2016. The improve- will join the HMG portfolio of proper-
ment came in a year when Hispanics ties that includes Hispanic Kitchen, the
also led in net household formations, nation's leading U.S. Hispanic digital
adding a total net increase of 330,000 food media company; DiMe Media, the
multicultural digital creators network;
and Hispanicize, the annual U.S. His-
Overall homeownership rates in the panic social media and entertainment
U.S. are at their lowest levels in al- event. This acquisition is an oppor-
most 50 years. Hispanics have bro- tunity to increase HMG's reach with
ken from this trend due to their high multicultural millennial women and
deliver more valuable consumer
workforce participation and the fer- helps
relationships to advertisers across key
vent desire to own a home. Initiatives lifestyle categories including parenting,
from major corporations focused on home, beauty, food and entertainment.
Hispanic homebuyers, and a sharp
growth of Hispanic entrepreneurs in "These acquisitions and our partner-
mortgage banking and the real estate ship with Exit 7 uniquely positions us to
brokerage business are helping to ad- serve at scale the full range of needs for
any brands that want to engage with the
vance this growth.
U.S. Hispanic digital marketplace and
“With credit remaining tight and reach the coveted three M's: Millenni-
limited housing inventory in several als, Multicultural and Moms. These on-
markets, these numbers are extreme- line digital platforms are very dear to
in particular since the majority of
ly encouraging and a testament to the us,
our company is owned and operated by
economic resilience of the Hispan- women," said Manny Ruiz, founder and
ic community,” said 2016 NAHREP CEO of the Hispanicize Media Group.
President Joseph Nery. “As the mort- The new and expanded HMG will be-
gage industry continues to recog- come the nation's fastest growing His-
nize the exceptional opportunities panic digital media company encom-
in serving the Hispanic market and passing publishing, distribution, live
adjusts accordingly, we expect these events, data-driven content marketing
and social media solutions. "Exit 7 is
numbers to only improve.”
thrilled to come together with HMG
According to Census Bureau data, the and its vast network of digital creators,
producers and veteran leader-
overall homeownership rate dropped content
ship. This will allow us to connect more
from 63.7 percent in 2015 to 63.4 deeply with and expand our growing
percent in 2016.
digital communities through compel-
ling content powered by celebrities, in-
fluencers and their fans," said Paul Sus-
Read more:
key, Co-founder of Exit 7.
T his I ssue of L atin T imes M agazine is sponsored by
With original, engaging, culturally rel-
evant content receiving over 12 million
monthly unique visitors, a social media
audience of 325 million fans and a ros-
ter of 1,900+ celebrities, digital influ-
encers and creators, the new HMG +
Exit 7 will offer the most robust content
marketing and trusted influencer net-
work for marketers and brands. "Mar-
keters are constantly challenged with
finding and establishing a credible and
authoritative voice for their brands.
With so many ways to target consumers,
Exit 7 and HMG will be able to deliver
more opportunities and turnkey solu-
tions like never before. Our clients will
see the results," said Nicolas Chereque,
Co-founder of Exit 7.
Hispanicize Media Group + Exit 7
Exit 7: Exit 7 manages an ecosystem of
digital brands powered by celebrities, in-
fluencers and passionate fans. The plat-
form's community of 250 million-plus
fans consume, share, and engage with
content created by trusted voices of
influence. From parenting to food to
the latest trending news, we speak to a
growing audience that drives more than
12mm monthly uniques.
Mamiverse.com: Outspoken, irreverent
and always entertaining, Mamiverse
shares its unabashed point of view on
what's in and what's hot. The platform
is a source for daily inspiration, viral +
trending content and how-to news. It
generates more than 1.6 million month-
ly uniques and has a social following of
1 million+.
LatinaMoms.com: Dedicated to provid-
ing Modern Mamás with empowering,
inspirational and practical tips fueled
by trendsetters, celebrities and every-
day moms. The platform features tips,
tricks and tools to keep on top of the
latest trends in fashion, beauty, cooking,
wellness, finance and mommyhood, all
in one place. LatinaMoms.com gener-
ates over 450K monthly uniques and 1.8
million monthly page views.
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