Pure Flix & National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Aim to Increase Hispanic Presence in Christian Movie Industry
Pure Flix & National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Aim to Increase Hispanic Presence in Christian Movie Industry
Due much in part to recent Academy Award nominations , diversity within the Hollywood community has been a very present topic in national dialogue . Although Latinos purchase 25 percent of all movie tickets sold , recent studies show that Latino community is one of the least represented population segments in speaking roles in film and television ; in 2015 , there was only one Latino-centric film released by a major studio .
To help combat the lack of diversity in the film industry , the No . 1 Christian production studio in the world , Pure Flix , is joining forces with the world ' s largest Hispanic Christian organization , the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference ( NHCLC )/ CONEL , to increase the presence of Hispanic themes , actors , directors and stories in the Christian movie industry .
Leaders from Pure Flix and NHCLC who will host the Facebook Live event include :
• Steve Fedyski , the chief operating officer for Pure Flix Entertainment .
• Rev . Samuel Rodriguez , a prominent author , pastor and president of NHCLC / CONEL who has been deemed as one of America ' s leading Christian and Latino voices and as the leader of the Latino Evangelical movement by many national media outlets .
• Franklin Santagate , vice president of global strategic alliances for Pure Flix Entertainment .
Pure Flix is a Christian movie studio that produces , distributes and acquires Christ-centered movies with a vision to influence the global culture for Christ through media , and a mission to be the world leader in producing and distributing faith and family media . For additional information , visit http :// pureflixstudio . com / aboutus /.
NHCLC / CONEL serves as a representative voice for the more than 100 million Hispanic Evangelicals assembled in over 40,000 U . S . churches and hundreds of thousands of additional congregations spread
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