The first Global Health Practice wel-
comes more than half a billion Span-
ish speakers worldwide to immediate
high-quality healthcare via text video or
voice now in Spanish
HealthTap provides 24/7 immediate
access to top U.S. doctors and their
knowledge via video, text, or voice
in Spanish via HealthTap Español
mobile apps and website. HealthTap
continues to significantly expand ac-
cess to high-quality, compassionate
care for the the majority of the resi-
dents in 21 countries where Spanish
is the official language and to more
than 570 million Spanish speakers
According to a report released by the
U.S. Census Bureau, Spanish tops the
list of non-English languages spoken
in the United States and is spoken
by more than 41 million Americans
at home. Additionally, according to
a Kaiser Family Foundation report,
the majority of the 25 million Amer-
icans with limited English proficien-
cy are hispanic Spanish-speaking
adults, who face increased barriers
to accessing health care compared
to English-speakers. This group also
includes those who have health cov-
erage, many of whom are still facing
significant challenges accessing and
utilizing care, understanding rec-
ommendations, and communicat-
ing with their healthcare providers
because of language barriers. Ad-
ditionally, according to the World
Economic Forum, approximately 30
percent of the population of Latin
America and the Caribbean does not
have access to healthcare for eco-
nomic reasons and 21 percent does
not seek care because of geograph-
ical barriers. HealthTap Español is
here to help!
L atin T imes M agazine
“Spanish-speaking people represent
some of the most fortunate, and yet
some of the most underserved popu-
lations worldwide and I’m thrilled to
provide all of them access to HealthTap’s
trusted health knowledge and world-
class advice from more than 107,000 of
the best U.S. licensed doctors in 141 spe-
cialties,” said Ron Gutman, HealthTap
founder and CEO. “Removing language
and access barriers to the knowledge
and the care of the world’s best doctors
is at the heart of HealthTap’s mission
to help people everywhere live health-
ier, happier, longer lives. I remain con-
vinced that healthcare is a fundamental
human right, and I’m personally thrilled
to make it possible with HealthTap Es-
pañol to provide immediate access to
care efficiently and cost-effectively to
Spanish speakers where and when they
need it most.”
Convenient mobile access via Health-
Tap Español apps in Spanish for both
Android and iOS.
To access HealthTap Español in Spanish,
download our app in the iTunes App
Store or Google Play Store (with your
mobile device OS set to display Span-
ish) or log in at http://www.healthtap.
com and change your Settings > Display
language to “Spanish.”
Read more online at:
www . latintimesmedia . com
Estrella TV Inks Deal With
DISH and Expands National
Spanish language network contin-
ues expanding its national foot-
print with new carriage deal
LBI Media, Inc., the fastest grow-
ing, minority owned Spanish lan-
guage broadcasting company in
the U.S. announced today that it
has signed a multiyear agreement
with DISH to expand its Estrella
TV Network’s presence and distri-
bution in U.S.
As part of its rapidly growing na-
tional carriage expansion and
broadcast affiliate additions across
the U.S., Estrella TV Network
becomes the latest addition to
the satellite provider’s America’s
Top 200 packages and above, and
DishLATINO Clasico packages
and above. This new national car-
riage deal will allow Estrella TV
to compete more effectively in the
marketplace and further invest in
its critically acclaimed and origi-
nal programming strategy, as well
as continue to build and broaden
the network’s brand on a national
The agreement significantly ex-
pands Estrella TV’s distribution
influence and bolsters Estrella
TV’s growing presence in the His-
panic television market, consol-
idating Estrella TV as one of the
leading Spanish language televi-
sion networks in the U.S.
“We are proud to be the leader in
delivering TV entertainment in
Spanish and English, and as a re-
sult, we are always looking for new
ways to enhance the experience
for our customers,” said Alfredo
Rodriguez, vice president of Dish-
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