LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st Qtr; 2014 Volume 13. No 1. | Page 25

Esperanza Road

Armando R . Montes

Latin Times Magazine : What is your profession ? Armando R . Montes : During the Last 10 years I had been a sales broker for several companies in Florida and Director of Praise at some Churches in Tampa Bay . In 2013 , I recorded my second album , “ No te Equivoques ” under the record label , Hand in Motion Music , Inc . by producer and arranger , Lannie Battistini . Since the release of my album in October 2013 , I have been doing what I love most , working full time as a Contemporary Singer / Psalmist traveling around Florida and also been blessed to have my own radio program with a recognized Christian radio station in the Tampa Bay Area .
Latin Times Magazine : Please tell us about your biggest obstacles , and how you have overcome them Armando R . Montes : One of the most difficult challenges was to believe in myself and to be sure what HE ( God ) was capable to do through me . When I finally overcome that barrier , it opened new horizons and I realized how great we are in God ’ s hands when we just yield to Him . Because as Jesus is , so are we in HIM ! More important than the obstacles is overcoming them . Through it all , God has been with me and has given me the victory every single time without fail . Latin Times Magazine : Tell us about your family and any other information to know you better .
Armando R . Montes : God ’ s been more than good to me . He gave me a special wife and queen of my home whom I love dearly and I have two wonderful boys who are my reason for being . I strive everyday to be the best Husband and Father . I have this passion also for Criminal justice , so I ’ m going to College to finish my degree in this profession as well .
Latin Times Magazine : Who is a hero / role model that you admire ( Living or deceased ) and why do you admire them ? Armando R . Montes : Someone who was very inspiring part of my life was my little brother , Jose R . Montes , but which today is in the Lord ’ s presence and is no longer with us here . He always said , “ Armando smile , though the world is falling , you have to smile , God is always in control .” Although he left us way too early , he left smiling and doing what he loved – singing . You ’ re in my heart , my brother !
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Latin Times Interview With

Pastors David and Ada Rivera

Latin Times : How did you get started in the Ministry ?
Pastor David Rivera : I grew up in church my father was a pastor I was at a very young age 13 or 14 years old when I left church , got into drugs , and gangs , in and out of prison . The last time I was serving 13 1 / 2 years I got saved in prison and in 1981 I accepted the Lord . In 1989 I became a pastor , given by grace and , which was by grace received , thanks for his mercy , it ’ s been an honor .
Latin Times : Give us a testimony that changed your life ?
Pastor David Rivera : There was a girl who came to my office and told me she was running from the law and I need to go back and make it right . Serving the Lord I have this on my back and I want to make this right . So , we went with her and when she stood before the Judge a miracle happened , the judge said , “ I have never seen anyone do this .” So he dismissed the case . That was a miracle .
Latin Times : Recently you had a close call with death , tell us about your testimony ?
Pastor David Rivera : Good , I will let my wife speak on that , as you may know I was in a fatal motorcycle accident . I recently went to the Doctor and he said , “ You know that you ’ re a walking miracle ?” I said , “ I know but you don ’ t know .”
Pastor Ada Rivera : Even though it has been a year since it happened , it is a miracle , he was 62 days in the hospital . We are sure of our calling for the Lord so , I remember the doctor said that he would not be able to survive and if he does , he will be a vegetable , then they brought me papers to sign for him to go home to hospice to die . I said “ NO ” he will not die and we started working with him , I believed and knew that he would be alright . I did everything with our family to work on him . I asked God , “ You have to do something , Help us .” But a miracle happened and he walked out of the hospital and here we are Pastoring and serving God . We want to thank God and our Congregation for their support and we are seeing God performing miracles every day . David still rides his Motorcycle .
Latin Times : What advice would you give to young Pastors going through hard times ? Pastor David Rivera : What God has promised you he will do , the enemy roars like a Lion but he is not the true Lion , Jesus is the true Lion of Judah . God said I am not man that I should lie . If your reading this and you were given a word from God , hold on to it , it will be completed , and remember that his word and promises never fail .
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