LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st Qtr; 2014 Volume 13. No 1. | Page 26

Meet Nancy Colon aka Cigar Aficionada

I was born and raised in Philadelphia , Pa , later I moved to New Jersey , lived there for 15 years before I moved to Florida , 11 years ago . I now reside in St . Petersburg with my son Tarik .
In 1992 , while heading home from St . Martin that I purchased my first cigar out of curiosity . Here we were my friend Maria and I , trying to figure out how we were going to take this cigar back home . Maria was a good friend of mine and my traveling buddy . Being females we figured we could pack and hide them right in our front pockets to take back home and that ’ s exactly what we did and got away with it .
Back than in PA / NJ , it was unheard of girls in their 20 ’ s or 30 ’ s to smoke cigars . We were so curious and thought how cool it would it be for us to try a cigar . It was a great experience and an enjoyable one . After that cigar , I didn ’ t know where to buy them , and not having anyone to enjoy it with I didn ’ t have the opportunity to smoke again for a long time .
Many years later , I moved to Orlando , Florida , and later the West of Florida in the Tampa Bay area , that I finally found cigar lounges . until I realized my cousin Yolanda had also enjoyed a cigar that I got back to smoking . We than started to smoke occasionally and when I met Leslie and Morgan , now great friends of mine and owner of Smokers Den , it was Morgan who later educated me about cigars .
Recently I discovered my grandmother ( my mom ’ s mother ) worked at a tobacco factory in Puerto Rico and was also a cigar smoker , how cool was that ! Today an avid smoker , I look forward to gatherings , events and dinners along with my cousin Yolanda and Leslie , where we enjoy a nice dinner , cocktails and one or two of our favorite cigars . I now make it a point . With years of experience you kind of know exactly what kind of cigar you are going to carry with you , I carry my cutter ( v cut ) and of course you have to have your own double or triple flame lighter . It could depend on your mood , your meal , cocktail , or just your coffee or tea , and the length of time you are going to be out is a big deal .
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Tampa is the Cigar capitol of the world , where I would run into cigar smokers , but mostly male . It wasn ’ t