LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st Qtr; 2014 Volume 13. No 1. | Page 24

Esperanza Road

My Testimony

By Jacob Gonzalez
If there is one thing I ’ ve learned in the past few years , it ’ s that cancer is no respecter of persons , and while it may be a great affliction , God is greater .
My family ’ s battle began with my mom ( Deb Gonzalez ). She has always been a healthy woman . She diets and exercises and works her 40 hours every week just like everyone else . It seemed like it was spontaneous , but she received a call from the hospital , and they told her she had breast cancer . We were torn as a family , but little did we know that God was preparing us for something so much greater .
My mom underwent all the required treatment , and finally was cured . Literally the very next day , my dad ( Marty Gonzalez ) passed out with pain in his lower back from what he thought was a kidney stone . After a trip to the hospital and several tests , we learned that my father had been afflicted with Acute Myeloid Leukemia .
You never feel the sting of Satan ’ s arrows like you do when you hear of a loved one falling ill , but we did everything together as a family . We cried together , we struggled together , we prayed hard together , and we found lessons in every inch of my father ’ s walk to healthiness . My dad ’ s cancer affected not only him , but those around him as well . My twin brother and I are only 22 years old , and we had to adjust and learn how to take care of our two younger siblings , support our home , and be responsible for all of our own debts . My mother , the strongest woman I have ever known , worked tirelessly to support a family of six on a single income . My brother and I work full time and go to school full time , so we helped whenever it was necessary to do so . We learned how to be men , how to be patient , how to love , and how to cherish our Lord through the worst of times .
My father , however , shined brighter than I had ever seen . There were moments that he felt so ill he could not even speak or open his eyes . He couldn ’ t lift a finger without a medical professional to assist and monitor him , but regardless of what condition he was in , he never once failed to smile and tell his family how much he loves and cherishes us . God blessed him with a 9 / 10 matching bone marrow donor , and the path to a cancer free life begun .
Right before his bone marrow transplant , I looked at my dad and told him everything was going to be okay . He smiled , looked at me and responded with “ I have lived to see my four incredible children grow in the love of our Lord . I have known the love of a beautiful woman , and I am glad to be seen .” My father disregarded his own well-being to assure me and the rest of my family he loved us unconditionally . I am so proud to say that my father is cancer free , and because of his inspiration , I strive to help whoever is next . I was recently introduced to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ( LLS ) by a coworker of mine , Stacie Lenners . She was declared Woman of the Year by this organization for raising funds on behalf of LLS and blood cancer patients everywhere . She nominated me as a candidate for Man of the Year , and I jumped at the chance to help raise funds , and also to raise awareness in my community .
I know from experience that anything you do can help a family in need , even if it ’ s just a smile . With my dad , my family , and my friends behind me I will do everything I can to support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society . I will be the voice for those without one , and I will be support to patients and families who need it the most .
I praise God for allowing me this opportunity , for the lessons learned through trial , and for the health of my amazing family .
To help Jacob with his goal of Man of the Year scan the code !