There Was An 82.5 % Success Rate !
1 . Doing what is called “ kegels ” and “ reverse kegels ” ( Both will be outlined below )
2 . Electro Therapy with an electrical muscle stimulator ( EMS Machine )
3 . Kegels with putting an anal probe up your butt
Now if you haven ’ t clicked out of the book after the 3 rd one relax because trust me , nothing was going up my butt either . And even as far as number two , as much as I wanted my manhood to work correctly , I wasn ’ t thrilled with the idea of electrocuting it either !
But what caught my eye about the research was the fact that during the 12 week therapy
There Was An 82.5 % Success Rate !
33 out of the 40 guys were literally able to control when they ejaculate .
So me being the innovator that I am ( sarcasm ) I took this research and created my own therapy plan
And the results were nothing short of remarkable for me !
Lasting Longer In Bed- Elliot Foreman . All Rights Reserved 9