Before I get into my workout plan let me just give you a quick little lesson of your pelvic floor and PC muscle .
Your pelvic floor is the area underneath your scrotum and between that and your butthole ( sorry to be so blunt ). Some people call it the taint but the muscles inside there are called your pelvic floor .
That is where you have some key muscles that is really the key to control ejaculation .
The most important muscle in this region is called the
PC Muscle Short For The Pubococcygeus Muscle
How you can locate is when you are urinating the muscle , it ’ s the muscle you use to stop mid-stream , that is the PC muscle . Once you have located it and you contract it that way , that is called a kegel .
Now , using that same muscle pretend as if you are going to force urine out . You feel that little push ? That ’ s a reverse kegel .
The whole objective of the research these doctors did is to completely build muscle in that region of your body . It ’ s no different than training any other muscles in your body . They can all get stronger , they can all grow .
Now that we cleared that up let ’ s get to what you are here for and see how
I Was Able To Cure Myself Of PE
Lasting Longer In Bed- Elliot Foreman . All Rights Reserved 10