Lasting longer in bed Lasting longer in bed | Page 8

There was no product they were selling so I was convinced it was not a scam . Below is the link of the research but make sure you come back to this book because the research paper alone did not cure my problem . I had to personalize it and I lay out exactly how I used this just as the basis for my cure .
https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pmc / articles / PMC4003840 /
This isn ’ t the first research article I read but there was one thing I did differently this time than the past .
I made the commitment to follow through with what learned in it to once and for all get rid of premature ejaculation !
I am going to breakdown the research article if you are too busy OR LAZY to read it .
In a nutshell , two doctors from Italy gathered a group of 40 men with reported lifelong premature ejaculation . These were all men that reported having ejaculated within 1 minute of penetration ( which I was in that group )
During 12 weeks they would complete a series of pelvic floor exercises . The patients had three 60 minute therapy sessions . It would include 3 things .
1 . Physio-kinesiotherapy to achieve a muscle contraction that allowed the patient to be aware of motor activity
2 . Electro-stimulation of the perineal floor to stimulate directly the pudendal nerve , resulting in stimulation of the puborectalis muscle , which causes the urethral sphincter to contract
3 . Biofeedback , in which the patient learns to control the muscle contractions of the perineal floor and the genitourinary sphincter
Here is where the problem came about for me , I don ’ t really know what the heck any of that meant !
After a lot of research here is what I was able to get out of it and I will translate it for you below :
Lasting Longer In Bed- Elliot Foreman . All Rights Reserved 8