different handling of each required by international law . TEB took much from the TTE , allowing them to physically see where the fighting would be focused , understand concretely LANDCOM ’ s scheme of maneuver , both of which assisted in adjusting the plan to enable better use of manpower .
G9 ’ s Tabletop Exercise As a way to visualize the CIMIC impact on the battlefield , G9 executed a TTE over three days , resulting in gaps identified , RFIs submitted , and the need for G9 to refine its operational planning . The first day depicted the operational picture through friendly ( G3 ) and enemy ( G2 ) viewpoints . Civil-Military Plans Branch ( CMPB ) presented the CIMIC understanding from higher headquarters , conveying the COP for all divisions represented and creating a starting point for the discussion . The branch heads reacted to several scenario injections dealing with civilians . Each leader conveyed their actions to the displaced civilians moving across the battle space , covering information flow , steps taken , and plans developed . Gaps were identified and resolved through this process , such as identifying the responsible parties to convey the G9 message to the non-lethal targeting meeting , as well as evaluating whether that person possessed the right information and if they required help in delivering the message . This dialogue confirmed tasks to be covered , anticipated requirements , and the proactive steps required . Day two of the TTE focused on key the events briefed the week prior . Cross-cutting topics , C-IED and Fires considerations , Civil-Military Coordination Meetings ( CICOM ), and Situation
Awareness Briefs ( SAB ) took into consideration such scenarios as an overwhelming number of displaced citizens flooding a host nation ’ s essential services capacity and a natural disaster in enemy ’ s territory behind the forward line of friendly troops ( FLOT ). In turn , each key event garnered valuable input from divisional subject matter experts , resulting in a thorough analysis and assessment for presentation to the commander . What became apparent to G9 was how the actions notionally taken in response to the various exercise scenarios translated into refined information complete with risks , opportunities , and options for the commanders ’ decision . This revelation proved essential , illustrating how G9 has a responsibility not only to describe how the civilian situation in crises or combat situations , but also describe its effects on operations has with actionable recommendations . The crosstalk also illuminated the importance of understanding how the international , non-combatant community like nongovernmental organizations ( NGOs ) will assist in crisis situations through the provision of supplies and services into the theater , and how these organizations may require some support from various elements in NATO to do so effectively . Day three concluded with recommendations for an IO campaign in support of a commander ’ s notional decision point . The influence campaign , directed at the population centers full of displaced persons in the scenario resulted in more collaboration required among PAO , G9 , STRATCOM , and targeting to contribute to nonlethal effects on the battlefield . The entire process challenged G9 to understand what information the commander required in order to make specific decisions , resulting in the development of robust civilian considerations for contribution to questions outlined in