the decision support matrix . The creation of this matrix aided G9 in understanding how to describe the civilian picture in a manner that answers the civilian-focused challenges and their impact on the commanders ’ decision making .
G9 ’ s Phases I and II Recommendations Throughout this process , G9 was not only better prepared but grew stronger as a team internally and with other teams across the LANDCOM headquarters . Individual leaders stepped up and motivated the group not to lose sight of the Commander ’ s intent : to become better as a staff element . Some noteworthy lessons G9 learned from this whole foxhole-improving process include :
• Forging a training plan is hard work , yet rewarding as it provides an opportunity for leaders to emerge . Team of Teams leadership is not aimed at one single person , but as an enabler of many . G9 ’ s bottom up approach allowed our best and brightest to shine in ways not always seen .
• Give the team enough time to prepare and refine the plan . Deputize a team member to hold people accountable for deadlines and outputs .
• Underwrite honest mistakes .
• In the CIMIC realm , the key is to understand how CIMIC operates in both friendly and enemy territories . Typically , CIMIC operates within friendly nations that have some degree of functioning government that is willing to work with NATO . However , when CIMIC is operating in enemy territory , G9 found it more difficult to plan because of the unknowns . In this unclear environment , G9 has to be able to support the battle space owner and their
31 ability to conduct governance in the absence of the enemy ’ s government . Furthermore , CIMIC must understand how to deconflict Humanitarian Aid ( HA ), the logistical flow with the host nation , adversary governments , and military operations . The key is to seek out information like higher and subordinate units IDP movement plans and coordinate with participating units for their civilian overlays .
• Sharing information across Divisions is vital to a shared consciousness , a unified voice , and a common operational picture . Work across divisions to bolster non-lethal targeting and leverage the power of an influence campaign to support the commanders ’ objectives .
• Understand who the training audience ( TA ) for the exercise is and , if necessary , help the exercise script writers craft scenarios to ensure the TA meets training objectives .
Conclusion The team in G9 approached the leadership challenge with a training plan and experienced both successes and failures . We discovered hidden and talented leaders as they emerged and influenced the team . We built a core group of purpose-driven individuals that cared more about the product than the process . Our new network of individuals is interested in sharing ideas and information related to LANDCOMs exercise challenges , and will continue to develop meaningful connections between teams within LANDCOM and beyond to enable future discourse . As General McChrystal used his Team of Teams to fight a complex network , G9 will contribute to LANDCOM ’ s Team of Teams to fight to deliver decisive effects in an Article V scenario . LC