critically about the information presented , as well as examine the second and third order effects of any actions taken . Crossdivisional interaction during the TTE allowed G9 the ability to collaborate and champion their equities in other critical meetings . Italian Army Lieutenant Colonel Marco Fornasaris , the head of the Civil-Military Plans Branch ( CMPB ), oversaw plan development and guided his team during training . In Phase I , CMPB assigned key personnel to review the different SOP / SOIs and work through their findings , resulting in limited updates to the current SOP / SOIs . Members of CMPB also began to explore opportunities to improve on integrating CIMIC in other areas such as non-lethal targeting . In Phase II , CMPB led the discussion of the Civil- Military Coordination Meeting ( CICOM ) run by G9 , concluding with ideas on the better transition of information between LANDCOM staff civilian organizations ,
creating reciprocal value . LCOL Fornasaris urged TTE participants to understand the responsibility of each level of support , which could prove critical when coordinating with the international community in enemy territory . From the rich conversations held during the TTE , the findings allowed CMPB to compile a list of critical requests for information ( RFIs ), demonstrating gaps in the higher headquarters ’ plan . Spanish Army Lieutenant Colonel Ramon Macias , Theater Engagement Branch ( TEB ) Chief , led operations . Some key lessons from LOBO 19-2 preparations are a lack of prior training , the need for a better way to depict the civilian picture , risk to the mission , and mission opportunities . In response , members of TEB developed a training plan to address G9 lessons learned and led the execution of the training . In Phase I , TEB realized the challenge existed to depict civilian environment from two perspectives — bolstering the host nation on friendly side and degrading the enemy
SPRING 2020 in the battlespace . A COP dual view is critical as NATO is on the offensive in the scenario supporting the commanders ’ mission objectives . Currently , members of TEB continue to work on this concept for testing in the upcoming exercises . These members are actively seeking out best practices from other teams to inform experimentation against the duality of the civilian picture . In Phase II , TEB led the discussion of the Situation Assessment Brief ( SAB ) and how G9 should best portray the civilian picture for the commander , resulting not only in describing the civilian picture , but also recommendations on how to mitigate the civilian risks to mission and recommending missions that exploit windows of opportunity regarding civilians . Lieutenant Colonel Macias emphasized to TTE participants the importance of knowing the difference in classification of displaced civilians — internally displaced persons ( IDP ) versus refugees — because of the