Lieutenant General Paolo Ruggiero Deputy Commander

The Allied Land Command

Deputy Commander ’ s Message
Lieutenant General Paolo Ruggiero Deputy Commander

The Alliance is arguably facing its greatest security challenges in a generation , with cyber and hybrid activities in the East , turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa , and brutal attacks by ISIL and other terrorist groups , including in our own countries . In response , NATO is adapting to this new security environment , strengthening its deterrence and defensive posture and projecting stability beyond our territorial borders .

At the Warsaw Summit , the Alliance committed to reinforcing its deterrence posture by enhancing our forward presence in the East with the deployment of four battlegroups to Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Poland , on a rotational basis . Whilst in the South , we are stepping up efforts in the fight against terrorism and working with partners across the Middle East and North Africa to project stability and enhance security in the region . We live in interesting times .
For Allied Land Command , adaptation has driven a renewed sense of purpose and revitalised relationships with its subordinate , adjacent and higher commands . It has meant looking East in support of JFC Brunssum and MNC-NE with the deployment of enhanced forward presence ( eFP ) and delivering a highly successful Rehearsal of Concept ( 27-29 Mar 17 ) drill to rehearse missions , clarify C2 and provide a common understanding of one another ’ s activity .
Signifying the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence since the end of the Cold War , eFP has rightly been afforded considerable priority within HQ Allied Land Command , but it is not our only priority . Allied Land Command is also looking to the South and is ready to support JFC Naples as a strategic ‘ hub ’ in order to help address the myriad of challenges emanating from the Middle East and North Africa . As an Italian , I am acutely aware of the threats presented by an unstable South and so an reassured by the seriousness by which such threats are viewed within Allied Land Command .
Unlike the East , the threat from the south is ill-defined , complex and multi-faceted and so demands a more nuanced , comprehensive and cross governmental approach rather the more traditional one derived principally from the military instrument
of power . Nevertheless , it is a challenge in which NATO has a role to play .
The development of a southern hub will improve NATOs ability to anticipate and respond to crises by collecting and analysing information , assessing potential threats , and positively engaging with our partners . Moreover , it will help coordinate training and capacity building in the likes of Iraq , synchronise coalition efforts in countering ISIL and international terrorism , and support efforts in security and defence institution building in partner nations . For Allied Land Command , these are all vital activities in helping stabilise the south and a key motive for supporting JFC Naples in its challenging endeavour .
We recognise the value of projecting stability and the key role it plays in protecting our own territory . When our neighbours are more stable , we are more secure . Allied Land Command conducts military cooperation and capacity building in the Land domain with multiple partners around the globe and our experience has shown that having strong , highly trained local forces is vital to a country ’ s security . Accordingly , we have stepped up efforts to help countries in our wider neighbourhood to build strong institutions , train local forces , and tackle terrorism . But we can do more .
Today NATO is cooperating with more than 40 partner countries outside the Alliance , in Eastern Europe , in Asia , in the Middle East and in Africa . In the endeavour of continuously adapting its organisation and capabilities to face the new emerging security threats and defence requirements , NATO has put Projecting Stability through partnership as one of the core objectives of its agenda , and it will be maintained and expanded over time . Thanks to its close bonds with Partners , NATO can operate better and smarter , be more agile and be more effective .
LANDCOM , as the NATO focal point for Land domain operational issues , is currently playing a key role in the Defence Capacity Building and Military Cooperation activities with Partners and is looking forward to enhancing this strategic line effort with more initiatives in the near future , through innovation driven also by the emerging NDS-S requirements . We are ready for it !
For the Soldier !