Lieutenant General Darryl A . Williams Commander

The Allied Land Command

Commander ’ s Message
Lieutenant General Darryl A . Williams Commander

As I visit the forces within NATO I am continually impressed by what I see when speaking to and observing various units and headquarters-the Alliance is more capable and cohesive than ever . We continue to improve and renew our purpose to each other . In my last message , I mentioned the pride and confidence I felt in being a part of the NATO Team and in the Soldiers who make up this great fighting force . That pride and confidence continues to build in NATO , because of the great work accomplished in exercises such as Dynamic Front , Trident Jaguar , Allied Spirit , and in the future Saber Guardian , Saber Strike , and Trident Javelin . We have witnessed the cooperation between nations as the Alliance brings enhanced Forward Presence online in the Baltic Region and Poland . This cooperation will be important as we adapt to the future challenges for our land forces . We will not go forward alone – we will be joined by our Air and Maritime brothers and sisters in these challenges and must bring together all efforts .

As NATO continues to increases its presence on the Eastern Flank , LANDCOM will support in a multitude of ways , but most prominently this will be seen with the eFP Rehearsal of Concept Drills ( RoC Drills ) which will be held this spring and fall . These RoC Drills will help improve current eFP forces understanding and build a solid network for future rotations allowing us as a land community to synchronize command and communication structures and identify potential gaps .
We continue to look 360 degrees and thus LANDCOM ’ s Military Cooperation ( MILCOOP ) branch ’ s efforts on the southern flank are developing in support of Joint Force Command-Naples to include partners from various African countries as well as providing support with Military Training Teams ( MTTs ) to reinforce and increase capabilities to the region . Along with MTTs , we continue to monitor ongoing issues which include extremism , migration and the conflict in Syria .
On top of our role as the proponent for NATO ground forces and serving as the link between the land domain and the sister services of the NCS ( AIRCOM and MARCOM ) we have the mission , during crisis , to provide mission command to NATO Land Forces in support of the Joint Force Commands to accomplish the Allied level of ambition . In order to accomplish this mission we will conduct Trident Javelin 17 , as part of the Major Joint Operation ( MJO +) concept , this winter in support of Joint Force Command-Brunssum . This will be a great exercise for the staff and several of the GRF ( L ) s as we continue to refine our own Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ) as we deploy the headquarters from Izmir , Turkey to Stavanger , Norway to certify as a land force headquarters . Additionally , this year we will conduct two Combat Readiness evaluations ( CREVALS ), Multi Corps – Northeast and the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy ( NRDC-Italy ) as they prepare to assume the role as the NATO Response Force for 2018 . Further , LANDCOM will also monitor over 15 different NATO exercises ranging from the VJTF to NRF readiness .
LANDCOM will play a key role in U . S . Army Europe ’ s ( US- AREUR ) Operation Sabre Guardian as we deploy a command element forward to support this exercise which takes place in several different countries over the course of a few weeks .
Finally , as we approach the summer months we will reach a period of transition for many of the Soldiers throughout the Land Domain . It has been an honor and privilege to serve with you and you all can be proud knowing that you have left the Alliance stronger . For those arriving into the Alliance be prepared to * hit the ground running *, as we have a lot still to accomplish . I am extremely proud to be the LANDCOM Commander and to serve as the land proponent . Our diversity will continue to shape our strength and together we can accomplish any mission , anywhere , anytime .
For the Soldier !