Major General Erhan Uzun

The Allied Land Command

Chief of Staff Message
Major General Erhan Uzun
Chief of Staff

The quality of any team is only as good as the people in it . As I look back over the 6 months since my arrival , I reflect mostly on the professionalism , cooperation and many accomplishments of our LANDCOM Team . During this short period , I have met many staff members including most of our key players . This has allowed me to understand the environment , the Headquarters and LAND- COM ’ s mission . Prior to my arrival , LT GEN Williams had already set out a crystal clear vision of a flexible and learning organization , whose personnel are empowered , understand and deliver mission command . We are both committed to investing in our personnel and the development of individuals and teams will be a high priority .

As we enter 2017 , the global security environment is unstable and complex . The conduct of war today and for the foreseeable future is substantially different than it was fifty or even ten years ago which has required a change in how NATO conceptualises operations going forward . The Alliance is continually challenged by transnational and multi-dimensional threats creating long-term consequences for peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic region and across the globe .
The Alliance must therefore be able to address the full spectrum of current and future challenges and threats from any direction , simultaneously . LANDCOM has a prominent role in developing land forces doctrine and procedures , incorporating lessons learned and ensuring land competency is maintained and developed . This is LANDCOM ’ s number one priority for our “ LAND ADVOCACY ” mission .
Furthermore we should not expect to be uncontested in any domain , and it is likely that we will be challenged in all areas . Hence the requirement for demanding and realistic exercises , tailored to provide a deterrent effect and the opportunity
to improve and validate the Alliance ’ s interoperability , operational concepts and planning , command and control arrangements , and decision-making responsiveness . LANDCOM provides land expertise to the NATO Command Structure including support to NATO initiatives , operational commitment , training and exercise .
Training is an unending path and LANDCOM also has to train herself . We will continue this year via Exercise Trident Javelin 2017 ( TRJN17 ). This will be a three level exercise in a NATO Article 5 Operational setting , involving high intensity operations with both the NATO Command Structure and NATO Force Structure in a Major Joint Operation (+). TRJN17 will also serve as a venue to evaluate JFCBS as a JTF HQ , LANDCOM as a Land Component Command ( LCC ) for multicorps operations , and MARCOM in the role of and Maritime Component Command ( MCC ).
The strategic overview shows a world of unpredictability and insecurity . In such a world LANDCOM must be ready and able to respond rapidly across a full spectrum of threats with an emphasis on deterring and preventing conflict as part of an Alliance . We will achieve this through three persistent lines of operations ; NATO Land Forces Operational Capabilities and Readiness , LANDCOM HQ ’ s Capabilities and Readiness , and last but not least , Land Advocacy
I am happy and proud of to be a member of LAND- COM Team .
I am ending my words with Henry Ford ’ s quato “ Coming together is a beginning . Keeping together is progress . Working together is success .”
I wish you a continued success in your career , peace in your heart , unending smile in your face , strong health , happiness at home and HQ ,