The Allied Land Command Striving to Improve Interoperability

Major General Uğur Tarçın
Chief of Staff

LLANDCOM , with growing capacity , has finally declared Full Operational Capability ( FOC ) December 10th , 2014 , and completed its second year since its activation on 30 November 2012 successfully . FOC was announced by COM , Lt . Gen . Nicholson during Exercise TRIDENT LANCE 2014 ( TRLE14 ), which was conducted at the Joint Multinational Training Center , Grafenwoehr , Germany . TRLE14 also marked the completion of our final steps of this two-year journey to FOC . In this regard , I thank all staff members for your great contribution and outstanding support .

LANDCOM is now recognized as the authority of the Land community , focused on ensuring land forces interoperability , capability and synchronization in support of full spectrum Allied operations ; promoting land doctrine development ; facilitating land and joint interoperability ; synchronizing NATO Land Forces training through CFI and LTRP and integrating training environment and events ; maintaining the oversight of evaluation and certification of the NFS ; as well as maintaining relationships with Partners , IOs and NGOs in coordination with SHAPE , ACT , and the HQ JFCs .
LANDCOM will now concentrate on the training process in order to explore additional training opportunities in NATO and assist in prioritization and distribution of resources . We are becoming a more responsive , adaptable , and flexible in the face of ever changing and challenging world of today .
By working and training together with our many Allied headquarters around the world , NATO strives to improve interoperability , so that when the time comes our soldiers will be able to fight together and win that should be required .
We have a busy period coming up . Proper understanding , management and planning will lead to LANDCOM ’ s full implementation and smooth functioning as always . Teamwork and management is essential for continued success and we need to manage our resources more efficiently .
Finally , our core ethos are ; Responsiveness , Readiness , Credibility , Coordination , Cooperation and Comprehensive approach for solving problems as it could be formulated by R 2 C 4 .