The Allied Land Command 2015 - A Comprehensive Focus

Lieutenant General John W . Nicholson Jr . Commander

Allied Land Command ’ s mission is 2-fold . In crisis , this command provides Mission Command to NATO Land Forces in support of the Joint Force Commands to accomplish the Allied level of ambition . In peace , this command provides land expertise in support of Alliance Land Forces ’ capabilities , readiness , interoperability and standardization . At all times , we focus on ensuring that NATO Land Forces are effective , interoperable and successful in full spectrum operations at all levels .

At the Wales Summit in September of 2014 , our NATO heads of state expressed a unified concern about Russia ’ s aggressive activities in the Eastern portion of the Alliance . In response , they committed to enhancing our readiness and responsiveness through the Readiness Action Plan . A key part of this plan are a series of Assurance Measures in our eastern members nations which include increased exercises , enhanced air policing and maritime patrolling , establishing reception bases for command and control , looking at the pre-positioning of supplies and equipment , and possible improvements to national infrastructure . All of these actions are defensive in nature , and represent a proportional and appropriate response to the potential threats we face while simultaneously demonstrating our Alliance resolve and commitment to collective defense .
We are also closely monitoring the southern flank of the Alliance . NATO is undertaking a comprehensive study of the southern strategic direction which includes the Middle East , North Africa and the Sahel . A broad range of security challenges from extremism , mass migration and the ongoing conflict in Syria and Iraq all impact our member states . At the request of Turkey , NATO is defending Turkish airspace with Patriot missiles units from Allies such as Germany , the Netherlands ,
Spain and the United States thus clearly demonstrating Alliance commitment to this important Alliance member and responsiveness to threats from this strategic direction .
LANDCOM is also central to the Adaptation of Land Forces within the Readiness Action Plan . The revitalization of the NATO Response Force , through creation of a Spearhead Force built around the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force with faster response times will enable the Alliance to respond rapidly to re-assure Allies and deter potential aggressors . To this end , LANDCOM is dedicated to the conceptual design of these adaptations and to the organizing , training , and standardizing NATO Land Forces to counter conventional , strategic , and transnational threats while maintaining regional security and stability .
In December of 2014 , LANDCOM conducted NATO ’ s first multi-Corps Article V collective defense exercise since the end of the Cold War , TRIDENT LANCE . This established our full operational capability within the NATO Command Structure . In 2015 , LANDCOM will conduct numerous Combat Readiness Evaluations ( CREVALs ), evaluating 2 corps headquarters , assisting two others and monitoring 19 other exercises .
LANDCOM will also have a key role in Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2015 ( TRJE15 ), which will advance Alliance readiness and showcase NATO capabilities . With over 25,000 troops , it will take place in multiple locations including Italy , Portugal and Spain and the surrounding air and sea space .
This will be an important year for the Alliance in which we deliver on the Wales Summit Declaration and enhance our readiness and capabilities . So in advance - thanks , to each of you , for your steadfast support and commitment to the Alliance and our Soldiers !