The Allied Land Command NCO Corner : CSM Focus Areas

Chief Warrant Offier Daniel Moyer , Command Senior Enlisted

When I first arrived at Land Command last summer , one of our great young NCOs asked me what I would focus on while I was in this billet . It was a great question . As a CSM , there are always many areas that deserve attention but it has to be narrowed down to what you consider as key areas for your given formation / command . Given its multi-national characteristics , NATO is a unique environment to work in . However , the main focus areas outlined on these pages could be used within a national environment as well . The Commanders vision and end state are always supported . The HQ staff is integral in putting these words into action , and as NCOs , we support both of these areas . CSMs are custodians of the NCO Corps within any Army . The last two bullets pay attention to our NCO Corps , and the professional and leadership development of its members . Two very important pieces that will ensure the health and well-being of the Alliance in the future . I share these points and I ask that all of our NCOs focus on these main areas as well .

Soldiers participate in the NCO Intermediate Leadership Course , hosted by the Swiss Armed Forces college
The Commander
The Mission Outreach LC Promotion Operations Training
First and foremost we support the Commander , his vision and the mission . We do this through a strong network of NCOs both within and without of the command . Each and every NCO is a spokesperson for LANDCOM . We will seek out opportunities to promote LANDCOM ’ s capabilities , in order to solidify our role within the NATO Command Structure .
The HQ
The Staff NCO Employment Unit Cohesion
The physical headquarters also deserves attention . Supporting the staff in all phases of the planning and the conduct of operations is essential . NCOs are capable of staff work and will be seen as the technical experts wherever they work . We are ready to step up and carry out duties above our rank level in order to achieve the mission . NCOs are Leaders every day and we will do all that we can to create unit cohesion and promote a professional work environment .
NCO Advocacy
GRF ( L ) s NCO Community The NCO Council NCO Recognition
We seek every opportunity to promote the NCO Corps at all levels . NCOs bring a unique set of experiences , amassed over a career , and are capable of advising the most senior of officers . We set the example for all Allied and Partnered NCOs to aspire to . We must be seen as a capability that enhances our organization ’ s capacity . We seek out opportunities to showcase these skills and the skills of all NCOs . We will continue to develop and grow the NCO Council and make it more inclusive . Finally we will recognize our Soldiers for specific achievements both through internal and external awards programs .
Unit PD NATO School Swiss School National Education
Our leadership academies and Centers of Excellence form the cornerstone of NATO NCO Professional Military Education ( PME ). We will support these institutions as Keynote Speakers , Mentors , and Students . We will ensure that our NCOs have the requisite training required for their position . Working in conjunction with Senior National Representatives and the Nations , we will seek out education and training opportunities for our NCOs .