LANDCOM G6 Seminar And Interoperability Conference


As NATO continues to implement improvements and deliver capabilities to meet the needs of the Coalition , interoperability among nations and multinational NATO forces becomes more important . Critical to the enhanced capability is the Computer Information Systems ( CIS ) interoperability among the NATO Reaction Forces ( NRF ). To promote technical interoperability LANDCOM actively encourages CIS interoperability throughout all NATO Land Forces . Since its establishment , LANDCOM has contributed heavily to the advancement of interoperability as a bridge between NATO Command Structure ( NCS ) and NATO Force Structure ( NFS ). One important event in this context is the Annual G6 Conference and Interoperability Seminar . The aim of the conference is to gather all Graduated Readiness Land Forces ( GRF ( L )) CIS managers and planners to discuss their major CIS projects , challenges , experiences , and to exchange views . LANDCOM hosts this annual conference to advance interoperability by discussing these important topics , looking at issues , and finding solutions to difficult problems . During the conference LANDCOM helps to enable CIS interaction , understanding and interoperability across the CIS domain . This forum provides the best opportunity to identify , understand and track interoperability across the Land domains . This activity was well

Group Photo From Personnel Participating In The Conference
attended with representatives from across the CIS community , SHAPE , Allied Command Transformation ( ACT ) and full NATO Rapid deployable Corps ( NRDC ) representation .
This year ’ s G6 Seminar and Interoperability Seminar took place in NRDC-GRC , Thessaloniki during the period of 26-30 September 2016 . This was the first time that the Conference and Seminar took place outside of LANDCOM-Izmir . NRDC-GRC was an excellent host and elevated the standards . The entire group enjoyed wonderful Thessaloniki weather , food and hospitality . Along with the multinational corps and Multinational Division – South East ( MND-SE ), elements of the NCS were represented at the conference lending their perspective and help in solving issues . NATO Communications and Information Agency ( NCIA ) was present to inform the GRF ( L ) CIS staff about the status of the agency ’ s works and projects related to Land Forces CIS . NATO HQ Consultation , Command and Control ( NATO HQ C3 ) Staff , SHAPE , SACT and Joint Forces Commands ’ J6 representatives were also present to give Joint and NATO level CIS information and expertise to the Land forces CIS community .
During the conference and the seminar , a lot of experiences , challenges and mitigation points were briefed by the GRF ( L ) representatives . All Corps ’ G6 ’ s were given time to discuss issues important to their respective organizations . This discussion gave the other organizations different perspectives and possible solutions to some of their own problems . Most of the breaks were also used for continuation of the discussions , questions and answers .