Often the additional discussions and conversations were where the most valuable information was exchanged .
Some of the main topics discussed included the following :
�� ��� ������� ��� ������ ����� and Allied Command Operations ( ACO ) align software releases and control the baselines of Command and Control Information Systems and Functional Services ( FS ) that NATO provides to that GRF ( L ); thereby enabling them to adopt and implement projects which are compatible and interoperable .
�� ����������������� ������� ������� ACO and ACT .
�� ���������� �������� �������� ( FMN ) requirements and how GRF ( L )’ s are managing those requirements .
�� ���������� ����������� ���� Graduated Response Planning .
�� �������� ������������� ��� tactical interoperability .
�� ������������������������������ in NATO and how those will serve to enable secure communications .
�� ������ ���� ����� ���� Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXperimentation , eXploration , eXamination , eXercise ( CWIX ) and
CIS Discussion In The Conference Room the STEADFAST COBALT ( SFCT ) exercises as well as information flow of interoperability experiments between those two exercises .
At the conclusion of the event , numerous action items regarding the main questions were identified . Although the majority of the action items were given to LANDCOM to coordinate , these were shared with
Presentation of CIS Material
the attendees and agreed upon . The action items and updates to any of the issues will continue to be discussed during LANDCOM ’ s monthly CIS WG VTCs , in which the same audience participates .
Given the complexities of interoperability in a multinational environment , the CIS community is working hard and cooperatively , to overcome shortfalls and find solutions to difficult problems . This is demonstrated every year during interoperability exercises leading up to units assuming the role of the NRF through working solutions and sharing of those solutions across the community . This year ’ s conference was able to serve that end and enabled interoperability as issues were discussed , solutions were shared , and most importantly , leaders in this effort got to form relationships with each other . For that , LANDCOM is grateful to NRDC-GRC for the outstanding efforts in making this a quality event and for showing all participants the beautiful city of Thessaloniki .