La Gran América Newspaper Vol2,N1, Sep,2010 | Page 9
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Septiembre 01, 2010
series of attacks
across Iraq kill 55
By SAMEER N. YACOUB, Associated Press
BAGHDAD – Bombers and gunmen killed 55 Iraqis in two dozen
attacks spanning the country Wednesday, mostly targeting security forces in
seemingly coordinated strikes the day
after the number of U.S. troops fell below 50,000 for the first time since the
start of the war.
Insurgents have been stepping up
their attacks on Iraq’s security forces in
recent months as the U.S. has trimmed
its military presence in the country. At
least half of those killed — 31 — were
Iraqi soldiers and policemen.
Archivo EFE
Ola de ataques
devastadores en
todo Irak dejan
53 muertos
BAGDAD (AP) - Hombres con explosivos y armas mataron el miércoles a 53
personas durante una veintena de ataques
en todo Irak, la mayoría aparentemente
combinados y dirigidos contra las fuerzas
de seguridad, un día después que el número de soldados estadounidenses en Irak
cayó por debajo de los 50.000 por primera
vez desde el comienzo de la guerra.
Los insurgentes han intensificado sus
ataques en los últimos meses. Más de la
mitad de los muertos del miércoles, 30,
eran soldados y policías iraquíes.
Nadie se atribuyó la oleada de ataques, pero la magnitud y alcance de la
violencia, de un lado al otro del país,
There were no claims of responsibility
for the spate of attacks. But their scale and
reach, from one end of the country to the
other, underscored insurgent efforts to prove their might against security forces and
political leaders who are charged with the
day-to-day running and stability of Iraq.
The deadliest attack came in Kut,
100 miles (160 kilometers) southeast of
Baghdad, where a suicide bomber blew
up a car inside a security barrier between a police station and the provincial
government’s headquarters. Police and
hospital officials said 19 people were killed, 15 of them policemen. An estimated
90 people were wounded.
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