La Gran América Newspaper Vol2 N5, January,2011 | Page 9

visite nuestra página web / INTERNATIONAL Enero 01, 2011 ESPAñOL ATENAS (AP) - Una poderosa bomba oculta en una motocicleta estacionada estalló el jueves frente a dos edificios de tribunales en el centro de Atenas y una bomba de escaso poder explotó frente a la embajada de Grecia en Buenos Aires, pero ninguno de los artefactos causó víctimas, informaron las autoridades en ambos países. La motocicleta bomba en Grecia estalló a la hora de mayor actividad, a las 8:20 de la mañana (0620 GMT), después de una advertencia telefónica a un diario y a una estación privada de televisión, informaron las autoridades. Los edificios, que son usados para fines administrativos, habían sido evacuados después de la advertencia y nadie resultó herido por la explosión, dijeron funcionarios estatales de salud, pero el artefacto dañó automóviles y rompió decenas de ventanas. La Policía evacuó un hospital privado cercano también. Greek motorcycle bomb damages court buildings ATHENS, Greece(AP) – A powerful bomb hidden on a parked motorcycle exploded outside two court buildings in central Athens and a small bomb went off outside the Greek embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but neither caused injuries, officials said Thursday. The rush-hour blast in Athens occurred at 8:20 a.m. (0620 GMT) following a warning telephone call to a newspaper and private TV station, authorities said. Police had evacuated the targeted buildings, which are used for administrative purposes, as well as a nearby private hospital. The blast damaged cars and shattered windows, but state health officials confirmed that no one was injured. Separately, a small bomb that exploded outside the Greek embassy in Buenos Aires caused minimal damage overnight and no one was at the embassy, Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras told the AP. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either bombing, but suspicion fell on militant anarchist groups, which have stepped up attacks in the past two years. A group of suspects is facing trial in Athens next month. Authorities in Europe and elsewhere say violent anarchist groups are showing greater international coordination. A violent Italian anarchist group carried out a string of embassy bombings in the past week in solidarity with jailed Greek militants. Security has been increased at all Greek embassies since the attacks, Delavekouras said. Por otra parte, una pequeña bomba estalló durante la noche frente a la embajada griega en Buenos Aires, donde causó daños mínimos, informó en Atenas el vocero de la cancillería griega, Grigoris Delavekouras, a The Associated Press. El artefacto era muy pequeño y la embajada estaba desierta en el momento de la explosión, agregó. Ningún grupo se adjudicó responsabilidad de inmediato, pero se sospecha que los autores podrían ser facciones milicianas griegas, que han intensificado sus ataques en los últimos dos años. Un grupo de sospechosos será sometido a juicio el próximo mes. Las autoridades en Europa dicen que grupos anarquistas violentos están haciendo gala de mayor coordinación internacional. Por lo menos una decena de sospechosos de pertenecer a un violento grupo anarquista que se autodenomina Conspiración Núcleos de Fuego serán llevados a juicio el 17 de enero. El grupo también se atribuyó la responsabilidad por una serie de ataques con bombas a embajadas en Atenas y en otras ciudades durante el mes de noviembre. “Es obvio que condenamos este ataque. La violencia no resuelve los problemas de nadie”, destacó Spyros Vouyias, viceministro de obras públicas, en declaraciones a la televisión Skai. Archivo EFE UN: Forces obstruct Ivory Coas t mass grave probe ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast(AP) – The United Nations accused incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo’s security forces of blocking access to mass graves Thursday, saying investigators believe as many as 80 bodies may be in one building that U.N. personnel are being kept from entering. Gbagbo’s government has repeatedly denied that such graves exist, and the interior minister has gone on state television to dismiss the allegations that arose after the disputed presidential runoff vote. Simon Munzu, the head of the U.N. human rights division, urged security forces to allow investigators in. “We would be the very first to say that these stories are false if they turn out to be false,” Munzu said. “Our findings on the matter and their announcement to the world would have a greater chance of being believed than these repeated denials.” Human rights groups accuse Gbagbo’s security forces of abducting and torturing political opponents since the disputed Nov. 28 vote, which the U.N. said Gbagbo lost. U.N. investigators have cited dozens of reported cases of disappearances, and nearly 500 arrests and detentions. The United Nations has said that security forces accompanied by masked men with rocket launchers prevented U.N. personnel from reaching the scene of one mass grave identified by witnesses in a pro-Gbagbo residential neighborhood on the outskirts of Abidjan. Munzu said investigators got as far as the front door of a building there where between 60 and 80 bodies are believed to be kept before they were forced to leave. A second mass burial site is believed to be located near Gagnoa in the interior of the country, the U.N. said. Those suspected victims are in addition to the 173 deaths that the U.N. already has confirmed. Gbagbo’s allies say that several dozen of them are police or security forces killed by protesters. Meanwhile, a fiery member of Gbagbo’s Cabinet urged supporters to seize a hotel where the internationally recognized winner of last month’s election has been organizing a shadow government under U.N. protection. Charles Ble Goude was quoted by a pro-Gbagbo newspaper Thursday as saying that Alassane Ouattara, whom the United Nations declared the winner of the Nov. 28 vote, and his prime minister “have until January 1, 2011 to pack their bags and leave the Golf Hotel.” West African leaders on Wednesday took possible military intervention off the table for now so negotiations can continue next week to have Gbagbo hand over power in Ivory Coast. ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States, has sent combat troops to several nations in the past two decades. Defense officials from the member states met Wednesday in Abuja, Nigeria, where the bloc is based. ESPAñOL ONU: Fuerzas del gobierno obstruyen acceso a fosas comunes The caller who provided the warning in the Athens bombing was described as a man speaking clearly in Greek. The blast occurred in a densely populated area in the city’s Ambelokipi district, shattering windows and nearby shop storefronts in a 200-meter (yard) radius, and seriously damaging at least 10 cars. It sent up a cloud of smoke that was visible across the city. Police said the bomb was stored in a hard luggage case in the back of a motorcycle reported stolen in a nearby area of Athens several hours earlier. An initial examination of the site, suggested that the explosive Anfo — a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil used in construction but also in improvised explosive devices — was used, police investigators said. The material has been used in the past by Greek terror groups and seized in police raids in recent months on suspected militant safehouses. “The government strongly condemns any action, that without an moral or popular legitimacy, attempts to challenge our democracy and terrorize the citizens,” government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis said. ABIYAN, Costa de Marfil (AP) - La ONU acusó el jueves a fuerzas del presidente Laurent Gbagbo de continuar bloqueando el acceso a fosas comunes, y dijo que investigadores piensan que hasta 80 cadáveres pudieran estar en un edificio al que el personal de las Naciones Unidas no ha podido ingresar. El gobierno de Gbagbo ha negado reiteradamente la existencia de esas tumbas, y el ministro del Interior ha rechazado las acusaciones en televisión. Simon Munzu, jefe de la división de derechos humanos de la ONU, llamó a las fuerzas de seguridad de Gbagbo a permitir que los investigadores corroboren esas aseveraciones. “Nosotros seríamos los primeros en decir que esas historias son falsas si resultaran ser falsas”, dijo Munzu. “Nuestras conclusiones sobre el asunto y su anuncio al mundo serían más creíbles que esas reiteradas negativas”. La ONU ha dicho que fuerzas de seguridad acompañadas de hombres enmascarados y armados con lanzacohetes estaban impidiendo que personal de las Naciones Unidas llegase al sitio de una tumba colec- Archivo EFE Estallan bombas en Atenas y en la embajada griega en Buenos Aires 9 tiva identificada por testigos en el área. Munzu dijo que investigadores llegaron hasta la puerta de un edificio en el que se piensa existen de 60 a 80 cadáveres, pero fueron obligados a irse. En tanto, un miembro del gabinete de Gbagbo llamó a partidarios a tomar un hotel en el que el líder opositor y reconocido ganador de las elecciones presidenciales ha estado organizando un gabinete a la sombra bajo protección de la ONU. Charles Ble Goude, citado el jueves por un diario partidario de Gbagbo, dijo que Alassane Ouattara, a quien las Naciones Unidas declararon ganador de las elecciones del 28 de noviembre, y su primer ministro “tienen hasta el 1 de enero del 2011 para hacer las maletas e irse del Hotel Golf ”.