La Gran América Newspaper Vol2 N5, January,2011 | Page 3
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Enero 01, 2011
New Mayor
in the Latino
By: Marian Sanchez
ayor Frank Yanish was
elected during the 2010
elections with 4,121 votes
and he will take office in
January 2011. This change has created
great expectations in the community of
Willmar because of the support that mayor Frank expressed for Section 287(g) of
the Immigration Act.
“Section 287(g) of the Immigration
Act was passed by congress in 1996 and
authorizes the justice department and
department of homeland security (DHS)
to make arrangements with local law enforcement (state and municipal) so that
they may carry out certain functions as
U.S. immigration officers.
The extraordinary powers, which
are enforced for security reasons, allow
local authorities to verify the legal status of detainees and have them transferred to the U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be deported to their countries of origin. The
ICE is one of the 23 agencies of the Department of Homeland Security,” According to AP News.
In May of 2010 for the first time
around 100 people from diverse ethnic backgrounds gathered at Willmar’s
city council objecting to Section 287(g)
of the Immigration Act. However, the
community’s concern returned when
Mayor Frank Yanish was elected. The
mayor publicly expressed his support
toward Section 287(g) of the Immigration Act.
In an exclusive interview with la Gran
America Mayor Yanish replied:
What are your priorities as Mayor of
Willmar during your first year?
Do you consider that implementing
this act will affect the economy of
We will work on the airport project, Willmar?
the privatization of the public sector, creating an industrial sector, the broadcast of
meeting with all local committees.
What is your position on Section
287(g) of the Immigration Act?
I’m in favor. But I’ve noticed that many
people don’t know what Section 287(g) of the
Immigration Act is about. This is completely
different than the Arizona SB1070 law. This
has nothing to do with racial profiling.
Are you proposing this immigration
act for Willmar?
No, I do not propose this immigration
act. I’m just saying that I am in favor of
Section 287(g) of the Immigration Act.
As mayor I don’t make the decision of
implementing the act because it’s the city
council’s decision. I only make recommendations when I am in favor of something but I don’t make the decision. I don’t
have a vote unless there is a tie.
I do not understand why it would have
a financial impact. I just want to know who
is here. For example: If I sell tires and I want
to sell liquor then I must have a license. The
reason for this is because someone wants to
know who is selling liquor.
How would local law enforcement
operate if this act is approved?
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