Christie Carr , Division Manager , Internal Services Division ( ISD ), County of Los Angeles , provided participating contractors with an in-depth presentation on accessing and registering as a vendor via the “ Doing Business with Los Angeles County ” portal and how to search for solicitations . Contractors also received valuable information through her “ Best Practices for Contracting with Los Angeles County ” presentation , where she gave contractors six tips on how to respond to solicitations . “ Thoroughly review the solicitation . Know what ’ s expected of you . Know what the requirements are to submit and qualify and how to submit that bidder proposal ,” she recommended .
In the second session of the series , participants learned about the various certifications available to businesses in the County of Los Angeles . A team of staff members from one of Los Angeles County ’ s newest departments , the Department of Economic Opportunity ( DEO ), led the presentation . DEO is tasked with providing resources and services to help unlock the county ’ s economic potential . During the presentation , DEO staff discussed how to apply for the County ’ s certifications and which certifications have reciprocity .
The second half of the session focused on how to navigate the County ’ s procurement portal to identify project opportunities . Participants also received an overview on the various types of project delivery models . A team from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works was on hand to deliver this information . “ We ’ re constantly looking for qualified contractors , […] so that we can keep uplifting our communities through contracting ,” said Amy Le , Business
Relations and Compliance Manager for the Department of Public Works , as she talked about the department ’ s intention to work with small businesses . Michelle Quirante , Contractor Development Manager with MWIS , led participants through a practice “ mock bid ” to help participants understand the procurement process journey .
“ Preparing for Opportunities with the County of Los Angeles ” was the topic for week three ,
“ Thoroughly review the solicitation . Know what ’ s expected of you . Know what the requirements are to submit and qualify and how to submit that bidder proposal .”
Christie Carr , Division Manager , Internal Services Division ( ISD ), County of Los Angeles
which covered the essential techniques and best practices to determine the completeness of a request for qualifications ( RFQ ) response ; this included creating a checklist , identifying which sections of the RFQ will require document preparation , which forms are required by the agency , adhering to the deadline to submit requests for information ( RFIs ), bid due date , where and how to submit a RFQ response , and double-checking one ’ s statement of qualifications ( SOQ ) to ensure completeness before submission . Tatevik Magakyan , Administrative Services Manager II , ISD , also provided information on upcoming opportunities .
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