LA Contractor Connection Spring 2023 | Page 23

from the U . S . Veteran Business Alliance . They provided overviews of additional resources that veterans could take advantage of and provided their contact information .
The video of this workshop can be viewed online .

The County of Los Angeles Hosts Series to get Contractors Ready to Work

The County of Los Angeles joined the L . A . Regional Contractor Development and Bonding Program ( CDABP ) to assist small and diverse contractors interested in bidding on construction projects with the County . As the newest CDABP sponsor , the County wants to educate enrolled contractors on how to prepare themselves to work with the County of Los Angeles .
Over three weeks in September 2022 , CDABP and the County of Los Angeles hosted a virtual trainings series , “ Get Contract Ready with the County of Los Angeles ,” designed to guide contractors through the necessary steps and requirements for doing work with the County of Los Angeles .
The first week introduced series participants to the LA County CDABP through a presentation facilitated by Lakeisha Bearden , Director of Program Development at Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services ( MWIS ). During her presentation , she discussed the technical assistance and services CDABP provides to help reduce the barriers to bonding and building capacity that small and diverse businesses face . She said , “ These services really aid your overall expansion and business growth .”