LA Contractor Connection Spring 2023 | Page 22

An Overview of CDABP Trainings

Metro Holds Workshop to Assist Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses Access Infrastructure Construction Contracts

On August 30 , 2022 , Metro hosted its annual Metro Connect workshop aimed at assisting disabled veteran business enterprises ( DVBEs ) in accessing infrastructure construction contracts . The webinar informed DVBEs about the Contractor Development and Bonding Program ( CDABP ), administered by Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services ( MWIS ), about Metro contracting opportunities , and about other capacity building resources . Attendees heard from representatives of Metro , MWIS , and veteran non-profit organizations .
The virtual event began with greetings from Olga Lopez , Metro Senior Representative , Strategic Business and Construction Careers Diversity & Economic Opportunity Department . She spoke about the value of Metro and its partnerships with small businesses and their aim to increase the opportunities for DVBEs . She also encouraged the attendees to visit the vendor portal to learn more about current and upcoming Metro projects .
“ We value small businesses and the relationships that we have . We are committed to the growth and success of small businesses , and we definitely aim at increasing the opportunities for small businesses so that you can have greater access .”
Olga Lopez , Metro Senior Representative , Strategic Business and Construction Careers Diversity & Economic Opportunity Department
The workshop included an overview of CDABP and its many benefits , led by Lakeisha Bearden , MWIS Program Development Manager and Robert Lowery , MWIS Field Support Manager . They talked about the individual company assessments that registrants would receive and the bonding and financing assistance services that are a part of CDABP . They also explained how MWIS contract development managers are assigned to work with each contractor to assist them in getting ready to compete for contracts .
Following the CDABP overview , representatives from various veteran organizations talked about their programs . Speakers included Rebecca Aguilera-Gardiner from the Veterans in Business Network , Jack Ochoa with the Veterans Chamber of Commerce , and William Osgood
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