September 2016
So how do we view the changing environment we all find ourselves in ? We can either decide that developments are negative and fight against the continued progress of Fourth Industrial technologies , or we can look for the opportunity that is inherent in the change . Resisting the change is not going to stop it . This is a worldwide phenomenon with impacts being felt throughout the world . Yes , there are different rates and specific impacts that are influenced by the local economic , political and social environment , but more and more the world is a confluence of integrated , interdependent systems . What happens in one part of the world is known and influences events in other parts of the world . Whether we like it or not , we will be impacted . Resistance will result in us being left
behind and allowing others to shape the future while we try and hide our heads in the sand . We will then get to live with the consequences of decisions and the resultant forces that did not necessarily take all interests and viewpoints into consideration . The enemy is therefore not the rapid rate of change and development ; it is rather ignorance and a lack of education that adequately prepares people for the future .
So our response needs to be one where we genuinely see the opportunities that open up to us in this revolution . History shows us that as painful as continued development and “ revolution ” tends to be , the end result is , to a greater measure than not , a better , more prosperous life for everyone .
From a biblical perspective we see these cycles throughout scripture . Richard Rohr ( The Naked Now , pg . 111 ) writes :
“ In recent centuries , the Christian Churches were on the wrong sides of most human reformations and revolutions , until after these reformations succeeded . As a result , Christianity has often become ineffective or even in-credible to much of the world . Our history now works against us .”
God is not surprised by all this . If we respond to this revolution through God ’ s view , it creates opportunity for His purposes to be made real throughout the world . So , before we consider the practical implications of how we need to prepare and re-order ourselves to be relevant and engaged in the coming revolution , the following provides the foundation of our approach .