KWG Magazine September 2016 2 | Page 18

September 2016 The essence, the heart of man is still Him to continue to reveal Himself organism rather than organisation. It the same no matter what the envi- and to establish His kingdom in the is the day where like-minded and like ronment looks like. It still cries out to hearts and minds of men and women -hearted people can be connected be connected to its creator, to desti- around the world. The new, to us, from diverse geographic locations, ny, to purpose, to others in real and emerging revolution will connect cultures, nations, ethnic groups across the world, and where God can talk and people can act in unity to achieve great things, changing the world for His good and for the good of all men. It is an emerging time where the walls between groups, denominations, flows, families, streams, ministries, the silo’s that we build can come tumbling down, because it is no longer the day of the organisation but the day of the connected person. It is people connectmeaningful ways. It still cries out to people like never before. It will allow ed to Him as the Head, and then to be loved, accepted, to be found wor- His people the opportunity to be one another, as His expression on thy and to be a part of something conduits of His life and power like the earth of ONE BODY, that is mak- bigger than self. We still grow up never before. It is a time of His love, ing the difference and will make the with fears and hopes, success and grace, power and life being poured difference. failure. As much as the world is rap- out like never before. idly changing God is still in control and the change, like other seasons of change that have occurred throughout history, creates opportunities for So seeing the potential, and the op- But it will happen in fundamentally portunity for good in the change, new ways to the ways that we may opens up the possibilities for effec- have grown up with. It is the day of tive demonstration of God’s heart.