KWG Magazine September 2016 2 | Page 16

September 2016 THE BRINK OF A TECHNOLOGY REVOLUTION By Nick Vieira we live and work. In just a few years This revolution, termed the Fourth we have developed into societies that Industrial Revolution, is the continued “We stand on the brink of a techno- are connected around the world but integration of everything into smart logical revolution that will fundamen- are less present in the now. At the systems, where everything is connect- touch of a button we can connect to ed and communicating, including tech family, friends and colleagues via the implanted humans. Work as we know mation will be unlike anything human- Web, not just audio but sight and it will be fundamentally different with kind has experienced before. We do touch also. Developments in science, automation and software taking over not yet know just how it will unfold, health, robotics, AI, organisational, many roles currently fulfilled by peo- but one thing is clear: the response to management and leadership theory ple. This impact will not only be felt in are fundamentally changing the way the world of unskilled and semi-skilled humankind lives and works. However, workers, but will also be felt in highly vate sectors to academia and civil even as the world rushes ahead tech- skilled sectors like Medicine and Law. society.” (Klaus Schwab, Founder and nologically, of The resultant change poses massive Executive Chairman of the World “progress” throws up fresh questions social and societal questions. For a Economic Forum) of sustainability and benefit for all country like South Africa with already and not for just the select few. With high unemployment rates, the poten- the growing recognition that much of tial for societal upheaval is magnified. what we do as a species to organise The World Economic Forum’s “The ourselves is not working, we are fast Future of Jobs report” indicates that approaching a point where funda- for every one job created in the near mental questions as to the kind of to mid future, South Africa stands to world we desire to create for our col- lose two. Coming off of such a low We already see the effects of this lective future cannot be kicked down base already this could be disastrous! technological revolution in the way the road any longer. tally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transfor- it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and pri- the whirlwind