KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 8

Liberian Literary Magazine Star Wars/George Lucas Fewer names ring big in Hollywood than George’s. But he recently found himself and his former enterprise in some mess. Was it a whine of a disgruntled spoiled rich kid or genuine? He surely sounded that way to some. As an insider, he knew exactly what he was signing away to Disney when he sold out his Star wars enterprise. To come out today and play on a critical issue of slavery is not cool at all. When did he know he had had his cake? After they told him off or when he sold off his baby? Did he simply wake up today and realize that he had supported ‘slavery’ by selling to the ‘slaver’ Disney? Or did he expect to deal with slavers and walk away a saint? Frankly he should be the last one with any opinion on where the enterprise he sold out is going or expected to go. The time he had a say in that, he said what he wanted, which was, nothing. He agreed to have no say. Today to come and attempt to have one is not only unbecoming but outright premature. The half-hearted apology does not even cover the potential damage of his comments. I think he should wallow in his 4 billion and watch his baby being ripped apart or shifted anyway Disney feels she wants to do it. it is now hers and that should conclude the matter. But somehow, Star Wars keeps finding its way into popular media and not necessarily because of the show itself. We find President Obama and FLOTUS being Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture linked to it; and then there is Senator Hilary Clinton’s, “May the Force be with you” comment. This was perhaps one of her better days. With hubby Bill desperately trying to remain America’s first black president, he seems to be shooting the Clinton campaign in a not-socomfortable spot. For him to succeed, he must anger the black voters who are Obama diehards. I am not sure he wants to do that now; not when his wife is on accelerated life support that only the black vote can get her off. Where I come from, we say, don’t anger the lion when your hand is in its mouth. Ferguson and Cop Shootings This one I’d keep short, not for lack of things to say, but to check myself from writing a whole book here. With the rise of cop shooting, the failed justice system and the fractured black response, are we surprised that Ferguson happens right under our noses? Ferguson proved that not only can Deputy Ben Fields, Eric Casebolt, and Officer Darren Wilson do what they do, but they can do so with impunity. It heightened the tension and exposed America for what she truly is, a nation struggling with its racial issues. As she goes about imposing democracy [more like the quasi one] on other nations, Ferguson explains why Ol’ Trump is able to do what he is doing in 2016. 8 In almost any other nation, the US would be in arms and policymakers and scholars would be proffering solutions to their problems from thousands of miles away. The State department would be ‘condemning or approving of leaders when in fact, she is only using the pretext of popular democracy to further divisive, repressive regimes around the world; regimes that will ensure her dominance through bribery, extortion and benevolence. The incidence shows how fragile the race issue is in America and why one month is not sufficient. It proves why new policies that are aimed at resolution need to be formulated. It speaks to a failing judicial system; one that has continuously misjudged, prejudiced and illtreated the racial minority America. Super Bowl & Cam Newton Super Bowl, despite what Americans wish to believe, is not the biggest sporting event in the world now hold up, before the lynching starts, check out soccer, the original game of the world. And no, two teams in the US don’t quite make up a ‘world’ series now do they? It is just a great game that makes a lot of money for some; lose countless more for others and have a world full of passion attached to it. What is interesting is that the media seems to pick up only the walk out of the interview. They ignore the reasons or the moment when