KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 7

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture
Black America did more than just built America . They were the engine that churned the darn concept of the great nation . Had it halted , America would not be as we know it today .
So yes , black history is not just embedded in American history , black America ’ s story is the story of America , minus one major part , the riches … it has been a rags to rags for black America and dashing us one month is supposed to appease us or make us content ? ;
Equally , it is foolish to feel owed by America when we can ’ t address our own issues within our communities . America is there for the taking , African immigrants have shown that despite systemic hindrances , America can still be a rag-to-riches reality .
These people immigrate not factoring in welfare , not expecting hand-outs or reparations . They go the America with a focused goal of making the system work for them .
Unfortunately , their African American kin find reasons to dislike and whine at them . They feel these guys are placing an extra burden on us ; they are forcing us to work harder , forcing us to take up responsibilities we would rather not take .
Until they can realize that they are owed nothing by the system and nothing will change by whining and furthering a tough guy stereotype , there ’ s a long way of nothingness ahead for the community . It ’ s a road stretched out into nowhere .
Random Thoughts
Religion . Uhm . Where do I start ? A bulk of black America ’ s problems start here , are groomed here ; grow here ; are fertilized here . We often hear of churches on almost every corner . The church is one of the greatest pimps in black America . From the low down street scam preacher to the sophisticated , smooth talking fancy car driving one . They take away from the poor and support a lavish life style . They peddle God for peanuts . But the poor does not feel it because it comes out in little bitty amounts ; pinches . They overshadow the ones that are doing any meaningful work . They make them seem dull and outdated .
But why blame these guys ? They are true hustlers who have found new ways to expand their hustles . I respect the creativity . And if one is foolish enough to be bought , then sell folks . That is my general approach . It may seem harsh but in an age of so much information and awareness , if one allows oneself to be had , why not let them be had ? Eventually , they would realize they are fair games and change . Granted that may be late for some but one thing I know is that education only occurs when a learner is willing . Even with an unwilling tutor , a willing learner can learn something .
Until black churches can start doing the basic things to improve , we are set to dwindle herein this limbo . For example , instead of loading a church gather table full of pork , bacon , ham , fried chicken , collard grains and split peas and corn bread and gravy [ lawd knows I loves me some them things up yonder , but knowledge now abound to the harm most of them can do . One can ’ t expect to eat all that-after downing pitchers of punches [ what I refer to as sugar water ] and walk away freely . There is bound to be consequences . They should focus on healthy eating and exercises . They should make conscious effort to provide healthy food .
Oops , I guess the Lawd will make a way when the members are diabetic . Or He will melt the fat away …. We now know better so let ’ s us act better
Muslim clerics need to address the issues of women rights in their communities . They can ’ t afford to subscribe to parts of the Koran that could be interpreted to subject women into modern slavery . At least it is safe to say the good prophet did not intend such .
You can ’ t be fighting for your brothers ’ rights and denying same to your wives and sisters and daughters . How does that figure ?
Black Muslims need to realize that a militant approach , no matter how appealing , can only go so far . One must admit , the holding hands Cumbaya King ’ s approach isn ’ t entirely working out well . The solution to black America ’ s problem must be a mixture of things tried and untried . No one route is the panacea . Until known / unknown avenues are explored , things will remain .