KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 9

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture
Cam actually smilingly hugged and congratulated Peyton .
The irony is that , folks crying about being sore loser aren ’ t any better . Who loves losing ? Who loses the biggest game of their career and is all smiley and joyous ? Like Cam said , “ Show me a good loser and I ’ ll show you a loser ”. People get so wrapped up in themselves and judgmental at times , they forget what it is to be human . They expect purity where none exist . They demand perfect when they are extremely faulty . But in all this , it is the hypocrisy that gets me . The fact that it should be better to pretend and be not oneself to please others . The fact that some would want us to think that being politically correct , or proper is better than being true to oneself and right . Since when did it not matter if one is honest ? Since when did it not mean much to be human ? Where is all this supremacism coming from ? My closing thoughts on this issue is a quote from Cam Newton , “ If I offended anybody , that ’ s cool , but I know who I am and I ’ m not about to conform nor bend for anybody ’ s expectations ,
because yours or anybody ’ s expectations would never exceed mine ,”
The Conscious Black
Like many things , this is a misunderstood concept . Predominantly , the Hebrew Israelites have taken ownership of this philosophy . Ain ’ t nothing anyone can say to make them release their grips . In fact , try talking reason to the that effect , and you would rather face the KKK than that lot . There are many seeking an alternative route to self-actualization , unfortunately , when they fall into bed with the more extreme bunch of Israelites , then just kiss their chances of redemption good bye for a while or eternity .
Here is the greatest issue with Hoteps is their false sense of self-realization of true existence . Their uncanny ability to read deep into the simplest of things often lead them way over the conspiracy line . I mean these guys can see beyond the beyond . And for the uninquiring minds , they hold little respect . This arrogance is often a result of ignorance . They see anyone and anything that is not subscribed to their ways simply as fools or foolish . There is no way around that .
Sadly , Hoteps seem to be drawing into its fold a bunch of lazy , racist black America who feel entitled and enlightened . Trying to call for reason in any situation , makes you a coon-agent of the system . Thus , within a mix of mixes , more layers get added .
The simplest of situations that could be explained away by a million logical ways , are seen racially . They don ’ t play the racial card . They live the life . They embody it . mind you , they would hardly lift their finger and harm someone , but that does not make one any less racist . Racism is more than just violence . It is more than just outward interpretation . It is equally complacency ; equally a state of mind , a philosophy that lingers ; one in which everything is viewed . The world is black and white for them . There are no inbetweens . Their color spectrum creates a worldview of for-me-or-against-me . It translates into a them versus us mentality .
On the one hand , Hoteps acknowledge that black on black crime is a problem . They concede that inter gang conflict takes too many lives , but many would prefer to ignore these as byproducts of the problem that could be solved once we are free of white domination . interprets in essence , let ’ s gang up and rid ourselves of the oppressor and then we can fix our issues later . This is the world through the lenses are simply bicolor .
Race Faker
Before the fiasco of Rachel , the “ race faker ”, race faking was mostly a one sided thing . Just as the One-Drop rule worked against blacks , some were working it to their favor . Things were fine until