KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 24

Liberian Literary Magazine Herbert Logerie April Fool’s Day At school, every day was like the first day of April. However, on the anniversary of today, things were eerily different. Spring fever was in the air; it was fun time down the hill. It was hard to focus on school works, or being efficient, On finishing our tasks, at the end of a fun afternoon. A gentleman, who is now President, like a class clown, a goon, Used to hang out outside of the school. When the bell rang, The school Director used to call on him to come in, To bring his two buns inside of the classroom. Other students used to laugh. It was show time. Mr. Kool, in uniform, Would listen, marching in the yard, with arrogance and pride like a model, On a run way. Wow! Time is the number one enemy of man, the rebel, Which nobody can defeat. The past will forever remain happy, beautiful, Incredible, and nostalgic. And the future will always be unpredictable. Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture In the United States of America, the atmosphere wasn’t really different. Kids, of everywhere, will always be kids; however, sometimes indifferent. The Soul Train’s brothers and sisters could be seen out of the school. Back then, they were not criminals; they were clean and cool, Like the eternal breeze of spring and the tropical wind of summer. People, of everywhere, are the same, with a different glamour, With an air of laissez-faire, and the charm of a slightly incongruous accent. The month of April is the prelude of a new season, a new aroma or scent, Which embalms the streets, and the schools. It sets a new trend. Listen; listen carefully to the songs of the birds, and the lazy wind. 24 This special long month has a major impact on every body’s mood. In a few weeks, we’ll hear the bells of all types of parties, where food, Soda, beer, and cakes will be served. Today is April Fools’ Day, Let’s have fun again, stop the violence and enjoy this special holiday. Hebert Logerie Racism And Violence Racism is the deadliest form of cancer For our society, it is a serious danger Racism is a form of terror Racism is a cancerous disease It is about ignorance and prejudice It is in the streets, it is in the air It is volatile, it is everywhere. Racism is like a chameleon It is a fatal and lethal weapon Racism is a form of hatred and bigotry It is a false sense of superiority By many ignorant goons with a light pigmentation It is about false ideologies and strange perception It is about being evil and using unfair practices It is about discriminating on false pretenses.