KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 25

Liberian Literary Magazine Not all obnoxious racists lack some forms of education Many of them have advanced degrees, their contention Is that those steadfast fools want to protect the status quos They create all types of standard in order to block Or prevent Non-Whites from reaching their potentials They discriminate, humiliate, make fun of and mocked Anybody that they consider weak intellectually Or inferior. Racism is about hate, greed, and bigotry. Racism is about prejudice, shame, and ignorance It is about not giving somebody a one-time chance Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture It is about not second guessing. They just start shooting Killing, destroying, discriminating and annihilating Racism is about insecurity, and putting up blocks Some Caucasians and others feel better than or superior To Asians, Indians, Africans, Afro- Americans or Blacks Those Whites have a mental state which is inferior Deficient, weak, hollow, feeble, unstable, and challenged Regardless, many Whites will die as racists; they will not change And others, who are quietly biased, will be a bit tolerant But they remain very dangerous, by being secretly defiant. Racism is a deadly illness, a cancer Racism about being rude and unfair To other people by treating Them badly, differently And inhumanely By poking them with a toxic syringe Racism is to lead a rambunctious mob Against someone who is innocent Racism is to hire an African to do a job 25 And then creating a hostile working environment Because he or she looks different There is nothing good about racism It is a form injustice, violence and fascism. Copyright © November 4,2015 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved. Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems. Alumnus of: 'l'Ecole de Saint Joseph'; 'the College of Roger Anglade'in Haiti; Montclair High School of New Jersey; and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA. He studied briefly at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. He’s a Haitian-American. He started writing at a very early age. My poems are in French, English, and Creole; I must confess that most of my beauteous and romantic poems are in my books. ebert-logerie ospoemes/logerie