KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 23

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture Aken-bai’s- A Flow of Thoughts Aken Vivian Wariebi is an avid reader and writer and the latter began more frequently since grade school. A graduate from both Rutgers and Syracuse Universities, respectively, she never left a book nor a pen behind. Today, a Poet and Advocate for the most vulnerable, Ms. Wariebi finds joy in inspiring and helping others in any positive way that she can. Some say her Poems speak to their heart and soul and for Ms. Wariebi life speaks to her pen. Others describe her writings as life short stories. No matter how it is felt, Ms. Wariebi speaks to your heart and soul from hers and hopes that all can find a little more light along their journey of life in her work as she has in her writings. She is originally from Monrovia, Liberia and currently resides in the USA. Messages When messages are sent We may hear, but not listen Sense, but not feel Wonder, but not question Soar, but not leap We may run, walking slowly Love, creating hate We may fall, never staying Down too long and avoid a hit Stumbling as we crawl, We may deny it all We maywrite, without pondering Judge, without knowing Laugh, without smiling Only to reply to nothing We may leave, without entering Yell, without screaming Plant but with sowing Act, without meaning Messages do that all the time So we pay attention only Sometimes... without caring Written by Aken V. Wariebi © Aken V. Wariebi Aken V. Wariebi, MSW 23