Liberian Literary Magazine
Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture
Finding Meaning in
Everyday Living
If she doesn’t get it in an appropriate
amount of time or if she doesn’t see some
progress toward getting it, she makes a
noise with her mouth. She has no doubt
that sooner rather than later, she will get
her snack if she keeps her hand out.
Keep expecting. Keep your hand out.
Believe you will eventually receive.
Janice Almond
“Do You Know the 5
Keys to Be HAPPY?”
A – Appreciate Life:
That’s a mouthful! Appreciate life. In
other words, have an appreciation for life –
for your life. You’ve heard it said before,
“Don’t take life for granted!” I almost died
last week. At least, that’s what my husband
thought I was doing – dying. In his words,
he said, I was pale, my eyes were rolling
back inside of my head, and I barely had
a pulse. He was scared! Well, you can see
I made it, I’m writing this article. (smile)
Appreciating life should be as they say
a “no-brainer.” It shouldn’t be something
we even have to really think about. It
should just come naturally. No matter
what, we should be grateful. I am grateful
and truly appreciate my life that I’m alive.
Having life is a precious thing. Last week,
my life “flashed” before me, but I was given
If you are having a hard time
appreciating your life or being grateful,
pray or meditate until you are able to get
yourself in a better state of mind.
Appreciating life is vital if you are to be a
“happy” person.
Remember, you could be dead like I
almost was. Life is to be lived.
H–Have Expectation
A – Appreciate Life
P – Permit Mistakes
P – Purpose to Live
Y – Yearn For the Best
H- Have Expectation:
How important is it to have
expectation? It’s super important because
if you don’t expect something, you usually
won’t get it. Take a minute and think about
that. What is something, right now, that you
are expecting to get? Something you have
an expectation for. If I were to ask you if
you believed you are going to receive it,
what would be your response? You would
probably say, “Yes.” That’s exactly what I
mean- Believe & Receive. Even the
scriptures tell us that. Expectation is
It’s really hard to be happy if you just go
through life with no expectations
whatsoever. Nothing or no one to live for
usually brings unhappiness. It’s a known
fact that suicide victims for the most part,
give up hope, feeling they have no reason
to live. In fact, most lonely people you
know are most likely also unhappy.
Become like a little child. Children
expect and keep expecting, believing until
they receive. I’m sure you’ve seen this. I
have a granddaughter who will be a year
old at the beginning of next month. When
she wants a snack, she holds out her hand.
She keeps on holding it out until she gets it.
P – Permit Mistakes:
You have to allow yourself to make
mistakes without getting “down in the
dumps” about it. Why do so many of us
when things are not going well, become illat-ease and unhappy? It’s simply because
we are not making allowances for our
blunders. But, have you ever really stopped
to ponder, you can’t be perfect!