KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 14

Liberian Literary Magazine Tell us a little about your book[s]storyline, characters, themes, inspiration etc. I have written to date, 13 chapbooks of poetry, and the autobiography, Northspur. Nothing much to tell, simply books of poetry and one prose book of self indulgence. April Issue 0415 Is there anything else you would like readers to know about your book? The idea that there is who you think you are, there is what others think you are, and there is what you really are. The last you will never know. Read the classics. Read new writers. Read and write, constantly. Regarding Northspur, the unfolding of the stupidity and the passion of my youth. What book[s] are you reading now? Or recently read? Nobility of self. ... Author bio: Do you have any advice for other writers? What inspired you to write this title or how did you come up with the storyline? Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp? Sorry to say, I have not. But plan on it. Forgive me. What would you suggest? Just finished reading Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness.' Rereading Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales.' Richard Wilson Moss is the author of numerous full length poetry books. You can find his books on every major platform. Tell us your latest news, promotions, book tours, launch etc. None at the moment. What are your current projects? Working on my 14th chapbook of poetry Have you read book[s] by [a] Liberian author[s] or about Liberia? 14 Richard Wilson Moss