Liberian Literary Magazine
April Issue 0415
Instead, give yourself permission to
make mistakes. Lots of them! We are too
hard on ourselves. Our happiness or
unhappiness can’t be based on our
performance. We can’t kick ourselves
when we’re down. Just because you fail, it
doesn’t mean you are a failure. Internalize
that statement.
But, what if we make a grave mistake,
you ask? No matter what it is, we must
move on. Ultimately, we have to look for
some resolution. I have had to do this
numerous times in my life. I venture to say,
you have too. You must learn just to let
things go. We need to learn to let go of
what we cannot change.
Next time you make a mistake, do this –
pat yourself on the back, forgive yourself,
and move on.
Y – Yearn For the Best:
The Best. Yearn for it. Go for it! Why
wouldn’t you? Why shouldn’t you? You
hear people say all the time, “Go for the
gusto!” They don’t mean hap-hazardly.
Gusto means, “vigor, enthusiasm, relish,
enjoyment, delight, glee, pleasure,
satisfaction, zest, spirit, and fervor.” In other
words, with ALL of your might, your soul,
and your strength.
Let’s face it. The “best” is what we all
want. Truth be told, no one wants or even
desires a mediocre life. No one wants to
live or have a “ho-hum” existence. How
boring would that be? That would be no
fun and bring no lasting happiness. Bored
people are unhappy people. As a high
school English teacher, I told my students
daily to be the best and give it their best.
Today, you can do that. You can choose
the best.
Today, you can choose to be happy.
Simply, remember these keys:
1. Have expectation
2. Appreciate life
3. Permit mistakes
4. Purpose to live
5. Yearn for the best
Sending you much happiness,
Janice Almond
P - Purpose to Live:
I talked a little bit about this in an earlier
newsletter. Living your life “on purpose.”
You need to find a purpose for your life or
why you’re still living. C.S. Lewis, a British
theologian, once said, “You are never too
old to set another goal or to dream a new
dream." How old are you? I’ll be sixty-three
in August of this year. Man, that sounds old!
Where did all those years go? I am finding
a purpose to live.
I saw this quote just today. “Just
because the past didn’t turn out like you
wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future
can’t be better than you ever imagined.”
Exactly! I concur. Anyway, none of us has
an unblemished past. Our only saving
grace is to discover anew how we can be
Anyway, what IS age? Only a
number. I read on a poster once many
years ago this phrase, Attitude more than
age determines ability. If you are
determined to have a purpose for living,
you will find one. My challenge to you is to
persevere through whatever obstacles or
issues you may be facing.
Remember, you only fail if you quit!