Normally when you compare the culture of two different countries those are very different , for example about gastronomy , hobbies the schedules and more .
When Jonas was here he found many differences to their customs , here are some of them :
The schedule : this is very different between both countries . I normally wake up at 7:30 to go to school and then most days I have lunch at 3 o ’ clock and I have dinner at 9 o ´ clock , but for example Jonas wakes up earlier because his ride to the school is larger and they must be at school earlier and to have lunch they don ´ t eat as much as we do , for example they eat a sandwich or something like that and they have dinner between 7 and 8 , and sometimes in the Basque country people have a snack at this time .
Landscapes : this is very different too , for example in the Basque country landscapes are very beautiful because there a lot of mountains and a lot of green zones a lot of parks and those things made it beautiful and in Germany all is more flat , if you are in a big skyscraper you can see a lot of things because there aren ’ t mountains . Jonas told me that he liked a lot the view of Bilbao from Artxanda because you can see all of it and it ’ s beautiful , he liked the landscapes that were close to the mountains and though they look like the forest of Oma . I have never been to Germany but I think there are beautiful landscapes but they decorate the places more with structures or monuments .