koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 25

It has also helped me to better understand the actions and style of Francis as pope. Going out to encounter the poor. Serving others before serving self. Confronting matters of faith and love head on with conviction and confidence. Loving neighbour unconditionally. These are the actions of Bergoglio over the years. This is the essence of our Church. In many ways, the Holy Father’s sound bites are quite similar to Jesus’ parables – short and highly effective portals into an eternal – and very deep – truth that begs further nurturing, discerning and experience. As we celebrate the first year anniversary of this new and, for many, uplifting pontificate, there could be no better time to learn more about Francis, the pope from the New World who is reinvigorating the faith of millions around the globe. D o c u m e n t a r y o n Francis: The Pope From the New World is available for purchase at saltandlighttv.org (447 words) Daniel Torchia Sacred Heart Council 15593 Uxbridge, Ontario P o p e F r a n c i s 25