koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 26

Life Chain Event Brother Edwin D’Cruz The St. Francis Xavier parishioners along with the Knights and their families of council KOC 12067 participated in the Life Chain event on Sunday, October 6th from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at Hurontario St./ Elm St. intersection, Mississauga. In the picture are some of the participants of the Life Chain event seen here with the Grand Knight Edwin D’Cruz of the council. Fraternally, Edwin D’Cruz Grand Knight and The Executive Team St. Francis Xavier Council 12067 With the rain behind us, our parishioners along with their children and grandparents made the time to join the knights and support the Life Chain event. The rosary was said by the participants and during the course of the hour we also collected over $100 which was given to the Life Chain coordinator for Mississauga. Our Pro-Life Director Bro. Hilario Li and his team did a wonderful job in garnering the parish support for this important event of the archdiocese of Toronto. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ONLINE BULLETIN 26 APRIL 2014