Kingsgate Park Sports Centre KP Brochure | Page 25

K I NG S G AT E PA R K Antrim House – A new Sanatorium The final stage of the Kingsgate Park Project – for now at least – will be the development of a modern, purpose-built Sanatorium that better meets the needs of the School. Currently situated in Antrim House, a Victorian building in the south west corner of Kingsgate Park, the existing Sanatorium is both remote from the heart of the campus and larger than necessary, meaning that the space is underutilised. • 8  -10 bedrooms with en suite facilities for infection control A new Sanatorium would be located in the centre of the campus, close both to the main pedestrian routes into the site and Kingsgate Road/Street, and comprise: • reception/office • fi  ve consulting rooms • d  ay room • w  aiting area • d  uty nurse’s flat. Freed from its medical responsibilities, Antrim House presents an ideal opportunity for residential development, to which the size and location of the building are better suited. ~ 25 ~ “Sport forms an integral part of a well-rounded education. Wykehamists who get into the habit of regular physical activity benefit from lower stress levels, increased brain productivity, function and memory, helping them to lead happier, more focused and more accomplished lives, both at Winchester and beyond.” GILES MUNN Head of Sport