KGSNewspaper2013 volume1 | Page 2

Keeping a PDP is a process which should be a natural part of a teacher ' s / leader ’ s professional development planning cycle , and material should be collected and reviewed regularly . It is a working document , forming a record both of work in progress and of critical reflection on that work . The process of developing and keeping up a PDP has several advantages . In summary , it will :
• stimulate the collection of evidence about teaching , leading and research accomplishments ;
• promote reflection about teaching , leadership and other professional experiences ;
• encourage discussion about teaching , leadership and professional activities with peers , colleagues , departments , etc .;
• stimulate thinking about a philosophy of teaching and leadership and a future developmental and / or research agenda ;
• assist in job applications ;
• support teachers and leaders who want to select evidence for other professional purposes .
An essential part of a PDP is the collection of evidence — though it is the process of engagement and the learning outcomes that count , rather than the simple assembly of evidence . PDP evidence presented for assessment is based initially upon an analysis of needs relating to personal professional baselines and context , and an outline of intended professional outcomes arising from the analysis .
The Professional Development Portfolio 1 ( PDP1 )
The Professional Development Portfolio 1 ( PDP1 ) enables you to showcase a range of your practice and to provide evidence of reflection and evaluation , which will substantiate and extend what you have recorded in other developmental documents , such as a leadership portfolio . The PDP1 records your analysis of teaching and learning , and leadership , and thus begins an evaluation of the theory and practice of teaching and learning , and leadership . The process of creating the Professional Development Portfolio 2 ( PDP2 ) later in the programme ( if applicable ) will build upon and extend the range of the evidence submitted in the PDP1 .
The required components of the PDP1 may vary according to the pathway you are following through the Master of Teaching ( MTeach ). The following sections list the required components of the PDP1 for each pathway . In addition to the guidance below , selected components from previously submitted PDP1s have been digitised as exemplars , and are available on the MTeach VLE .
The PDP1 is the first assessed piece of coursework on the Master of Teaching ( MTeach ). As an H level ( bachelors degree with honours level ) module , the PDP1 is assessed against the Institute of Education ' s grade-related criteria for Graduate Diplomas / Awards . In order to use H level credits for an award at M level ( masters degree level ), candidates must achieve a B or higher in the PDP1 . The grade-related criteria are available on the MTeach VLE .
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