KGSNewspaper2013 volume1 | Page 3

The Professional Development Portfolio 1 WHAT SHOULD IT CONTAIN ?
1 . Title page with module title , name of module leader ( Karen Turner ), name of tutor and tutor group , student name , route / pathway , total word count ( Part A + Part B ), date of submission ;
2 . An index and dividers , labelled and numbered ; NO plastic wallets for multiple pages please ;
3 . A page which details your professional context ( see below ). This is not part of the word count ;
4 . A Philosophical Statement 750 – 1000 words
5 . A Critical Appraisal of an article from a professional or academic journal ( not newspaper )
500 – 1000 words 6 . A piece of reflective , analytical writing 750 – 1000 words
7 . Three pieces of evidence of professional development each with overview page of 350 – 500 words Total for all 3 overview pages
1000 – 1500 words
8 . Bibliography
Maximum word count for Part A and Part B overview pages : 4,500 words Please do not exceed this . Professional context : this provides the reader the contextual detail of your teaching and leadership . Your institution should remain anonymous . You should provide details of :
• the type of institution you teach or lead in ( location , size , type , typical student profile );
• the age range you teach or lead and subject ( s ) if appropriate ;
• your responsibilities .
� You must submit an electronic copy and two hard copies ( not international students ). Hard copies are NOT returned . �
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