Master of Teaching ( MTeach )
Professional Development Portfolio 1 ( PDP1 ) GEMS Leadership stand-alone module
Master of Teaching ( MTeach )
Guidance to the
Professional Development Portfolio 1 ( PDP1 ) GEMS Leadership stand-alone module
Professional Development Portfolios
A professional development portfolio ( PDP ) is a working document containing evidence and critical reflection , which you can revise and update throughout your career . Creating and maintaining a PDP will engage you in a process that is now widely recognised as beneficial to ongoing career development . It will encourage you to reflect on knowledge , understanding , and skills learnt from past experiences and current activities , to identify needs , and to plan for future development .
Presenting a professional development portfolio for assessment provides a good opportunity for enhancing professional development in teaching and leadership . The thought that goes into the careful selection of material , drafting statements , sharing those statements with others , and researching areas related to practice will enable you to articulate your practice in a particular way . The context in which you undertake this task is an integral part of the process and will be made up of many elements , such as :
• your own skills and abilities ;
• your developmental pathways and objectives / career aspirations as a leader ;
• the classes you teach / leadership roles and responsibilities ;
• teaching strategies / leadership styles ;
• individual students and their particular needs and abilities / team members and their needs and abilities ;
• the colleagues you work with inside and outside your institution ; school ; corporate office ;
• the particular institutional context ;
• the local setting ;
• policy and curriculum agendas / school and departmental development plans and selfevaluation forms ;
• pedagogical and adragogical developments ;
• the findings of wider educational research .
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