Keep Safe Stay Cool Complete Guide - Importance of safety at workplace | Page 2
• Stay active.
• Manage your weight.
• Take steps to manage stress.
Why do I need to take steps to prevent injuries at work?
All types of jobs – even desk jobs – can lead to injuries. Back injuries are the most common
type of workplace injury.
You are at risk of getting hurt at work if you:
Lift or carry heavy objects. This can strain or injure your back, shoulders, or neck.
Do the same activity over and over again, like typing or working on an assembly line. This can
lead to a type of injury called a repetitive motion injury.
Don't wear the right protective equipment for the work you do, like earplugs or safety
goggles. This can lead to hearing loss or eye injuries.
Taking steps to stay safe and healthy at work can help you get more done at work and feel
better overall.
Take Action!
Follow these tips to stay safe on the job.
Lift things safely.