Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 3

The decision of hanging has purely come at the cost of Kashmir . A place battered with conflict is yet to recover from the wounds inflicted on its population . Still it had shown the courage and resilience to compromise with the fact that normalcy was an important tool to sustain the economy , though not at the cost of the political aspirations .
with each passing day of curfew in
lective conscience ” and the rule of
Singh . This fact has even created a
the valley . Apart from the fingers
the law when he told a news channel ,
deep wedge between the national
raised over the legal and judicial pro-
" The Supreme Court judgment in
political parties and their countercess
through which this high profile
the case talks about strong circum-
parts in Jammu and Kashmir since
case has gone , angry reaction by the
stantial evidence and about satisfy-
both Omar Abdullah ' s National Conpro-India
political parties in Jammu
ing the collective conscience of the
ference and Mehbooba Mufti ' s Peoand
Kashmir has made the debate
society . You don ' t hang people be-
ple ' s Democratic Party are on the
more significant .
cause the society demands it . You
same page though with a difference .
Let us leave the legal part of the
hang people because the law de-
As argued by PDP , Omar cannot
case aside and not go into the details
mands it .” So the debate on placing
completely wash off his hands since
of how it reached the conclusion , in
the “ collective conscience ” ahead of
his party is an ally of United Pro-
the wisdom of Supreme Court
the rule of law is already on . But
gressive Alliance government and
Judges that in order to satisfy the coling
what is important to look at the hang-
its president Farooq Abdullah haplective
conscience of the people the
and its aftermath is that politics
pens to be the member in the union
death penalty to Afzal was inevitathe
was ingrained in this decision than
cabinet . However , the cry from the
ble . This has perhaps been well reand
technical and legal cover . First
pro-India parties is no different from
sponded by none other than a leadof
foremost is that the Government
the separatists whose reaction in any
ing Supreme Court lawyer Kamini
India jumped to Guru despite hav-
case is on expected lines . But this
Jaiswal who criticized it and asked ,
ing two more attackers of democ-
has made NC and PDP vulnerable to
“ are we a blood thirsty nation ?”
racy on death row ahead of him . One
the situation and the political game
Moreover , Chief Minister Omar
case pertains to former Prime Minis-
New Delhi has played against their
Abdullah has been more belligerent
ter Rajiv Gandhi and the other of for-
own “ defenders ” here will cost them
in differentiating between the “ col-
mer Punjab Chief Minister Beant
dearly in the longer run .
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |