Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 2

How KASHMIR was buried in


By Shujaat Bukhari fter the hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru on February 9 ( Saturday ) I had tweeted “ Kashmir buried Ain Tihar ”. Many people mocked at it , some turned emotional , some cynical and a few critical . Since Twitter is a space of just 140 characters and for an issue such as Kashmir , that has consumed thousands of books and research papers , it was not possible for me to explain what I meant by saying so . But taking Guru , a convict in December 2001 parliament , to the gallows under a blanket of secrecy and suspicion was in-fact one of the biggest statements New Delhi had made about Kashmir ' s political problem in the last 65 years .

It was not an ordinary decision , as it has been proving
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |