Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 11

“ After that incident whenever I sit in an auto rickshaw , I make a call to my mother informing her about my route and the number of the auto rickshaw ,” says Nawreen Ganai . “ Till the time I reach my home I feel as if I have been kidnapped .” She says it is difficult for this fear to go . “ The image of Jagurati is always in my eyes and I really feel the pain in my heart . I have heard of many rape cases but would only stake a sigh and curse the guilty . But this incident has left a scar on my mind and heart as well ”. It is not only the tuition-going girls who feel the threat while walking alone but also the elderly women and professionals . “ I am doing night shifts from years but I never felt scared inside my hospital ,” says a doctor . “ But now when I move from one room to another and find men around me , I feel insecure . I know it is only my apprehension and not a reality but what can you do to fear ”. Emotionally women have been touched by the gang rape and they have started to think about their safety . Some girls have already started to carry knives , sprays and chilli powder with them . “ My mother always used to always tell me to carry a knife for the safety . I
always told her that I am very brave
student . “ I never felt need of such
and don ' t need anything . I used to tell
things but now I always carry a spray
her that I can tackle with any situa-
with me . I also taken chilli powder
tion ,” says Mehak Nabi , a class XII
with me for my safety .”.