Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 10


“ I am doing night shifts from years but I never felt scared inside my hospital . “ But now when I move from one room to another and find men around me , I feel insecure . I know it is only my apprehension and not a reality but what can you do to fear ”. “ The image of Jagurati is always in my eyes and I really feel the pain in my heart . I have heard of many rape cases but would only stake a sigh and curse the guilty . But this incident has left a scar on my mind and heart as well ”.
By Chasfeeda Shah
hen Qurat-ul-Ain entered the room to get her

Wcollege admission

ness , he offered some words of solace . ' Sit beti ( daughter ). Why are you shivering , is everything ok ?'”
“ The psychological effect of that incident is always there ,” she says .
“ I try to persuade myself that all men
form , she was trembling with fear .
It was hard for the teacher to under-
are not alike but once the situation
Something on the back of her mind
stand the reasons for Ain ' s anxiety
comes like where I am alone with
was making her numb deep inside . “ I
but for her the deficit of trust had a
any man I feel insecure ”.
had a chocolate in my hand and was
valid reason . “ The Delhi gang rape
The Delhi gang rape incident has not
ready to enter inside the room when I
was fresh on my mind ,” she says . It
only scared the women of Delhi but
found the teacher alone . He was issu-
reminded me not to trust anyone in
its ripple effects can be seen everying
the ( admission ) forms . I was
the world ”.
where - be it a remote village or a
scared on seeing the teacher alone inside the room ,” she says . “ No
doubt , the person sitting in front of me was a good human being but my
hands begin to shiver while collecting the form . As he saw my nervous-
After the Delhi gang rape in which
five men gang raped a college stu- dent on a moving bus , it is difficult for Ain to trust any man . This inci- dent has changed her life forever .
metropolitan city . In a recent survey conducted outside the tuition cen- tres , 89 per cent girls say they feel insecure , fear walking alone or in the evenings .
| KASHMIR SCAN | May 2013 | 1 |